Chapter 31

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I couldn't contain myself any longer and i had to kiss her. I needed to taste her, to taste what i've been missing for five months.

Without her it was literally hell, and i was too stubborn to reach out to her. And that was my mistake. Getting with Ila was a mistake, i didn't even like her that much.

I was only with her to try to get over Dakota, but that was me being an idiot.

During our passionate kiss, Dakota stops.

"What's wrong". I ask with concern.

"As much as i want too, we can't. I need time to think if i want this. I mean i do but your actions made it so hard to get us here. Chasing you drained me and if you really loved me, you wouldn't have made me chase you like this". Tears in her eyes.

She's right.

I made her drain herself, and i'll never be okay with that.

"I just need time". As much as i don't wanna give it to her i will.

"Okay". We stand infront of each other in silence.

"Can you um take me home".

"Yeah. Let's go eat then i'll take you". She wanted to fight me on the eating, but before she could say anything i gave her the look.

The look to just do it.

So we go back to the kitchen, eat, then i take her home.

"Thanks for the ride". She says as i sit infront of her parents house. But before she leaves i stop her.

"I know you need your time, and i'll give it to you like you did me. And i'm really sorry it took me this long to realize what i mistake i made. I should've never broken up with you and i'm sorry. But now i realize i need you in my life, because i love you". I can see the tears in her eyes.

She wants to cave in and forgive me, take me back.

But as much as she wants too, as long as she's been waiting. She's holding back.

She doesn't wanna let me off so easy, and i get it.

So i'll wait, cause she's the one for me and she always has been. And it's my fault we are like this, even though what she did was wrong, i should've handled it differently.

No reason it should've got this far, and i have no one to blame other than myself.

"And no matter what you decide, i always will love you". I kiss her cheek, unlock the door for her and she gets out.

I watch to make sure she gets in but then she turns around.

Dakota opens my car door.

"What's wrong". I worry.

"Nothing, i just um". She pauses to breath.

"Happy birthday". I smile.

She remembered. Hell of course she remembered.

"Thank you". She smiled at me then went inside.

Gosh i really hope i wasn't to late.

I could care less about my birthday right now, the best gift i could ever have just walked inside.

And i hope i'm able to get it soon.

I can't believe it.

I'm such an idiot.

I've waited five months to get back with Stephan, and the moment it's in my hands i say no. I'm such a hypocrite right now.


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