Chapter 28

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What is he doing here?

"It's a public coffee shop Dako, anyone can come here". He answers my question. Shit did i say that aloud.

"Right, it's a public place. I just didn't expect to see you". To this day he still makes me on edge.

"Same here, so how you been". He asks genuinely concerned.

"Great". I try to smile through that lie, but as always nothing gets past Zayn. It didn't work back then so why would i think it would today.

"Your a bad liar". We both smile at his statement, then suddenly a brown headed girl pops up next Zayn.

"I ordered our drinks babe". Babe?


"Omg your Dakota Sims, i just saw your new collection with Valentino and im in love. Everything is sold out already and i'm so jealous". And she's a fan.

"Well don't worry too much, more on the way". I try to smile through the awkwardness and i'm standing there wandering who she is.

"Dakota this is Bella, my girlfriend". I could've chocked when he said that. I mean i'm not jealous at all, im actually happy for him.

I always knew he'd find someone.

"Nice to meet you Bella". She's pretty.

"The honor is all mine, so how do you guys know each other". I look towards Zayn, and i don't know what i should say.

Should i tell her he's my ex or not.

And before he gets the chance to answer i interrupt him. "We went to high school together, so we're old friends".

Zayn definitely had a scold look on his face when i interrupted him, and it felt so good that he can't do anything about it.

"Baby you never told me you went to highschool with the Dakota Sims. Lucky you". We all laugh.

"Well i have to use the bathroom real quick, but it was nice meeting you Dakota".

"Likewise". She smiles once again and leaves.

I break the awkwardness.

"She seems really nice". And she does, maybe a little too peppy for me but she really seems to like Zayn.

"She is".

"I told you that you'd find someone". I'm always right.

"Yea, she's not you though". Oh please don't bring us back to that spot.

We have grown up and we aren't at the place anymore. Even though i'm not with Stephan anymore, doesn't mean we are gonna rekindle anything.

But if we did i know he'd 100% leave Bella in a heartbeat, but that wouldn't be fair.

"Let's not". I try to be nice with it.

"Right sorry, so how's you and Stephan".  My face falls flat at this question.

There's no point in lying to this man, he will know. I totally forgot that he doesn't know me and Stephan broke up.

I don't know how to tell him so i just nod my head no.

"Oh shit seriously? What happened".

"Zayn, Stephan really did break up with me that day". It's taking him a minute to realize the day and once he does his face falls flat.

"But you didn't do anything, it was my fault". At least he knows.

He should've just stayed away like i told him too, but it doesn't matter now.

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