Chapter 21

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I can't believe i really just broke up with her, as i'm replaying it in my head all i can think is, did i make a mistake?

Did i overreact?

As i'm trying to think Carter and Saint come in.

"You okay bro". Carter says sitting down next to me.

"No". And im not, my life just got fucked up in a matter of a day, and all because of Dakota and her idiotic behavior.

"She still down there". I ask.

"No, she left crying and speed off in her car. Hopefully she's smart enough to pull over and not kill herself". Saint says and i get worried. I hope she doesn't even think about killing herself.

Hell i still love the girl.

"She'll be fine". Carter reassures me but we'll see.

"Is it really over". Saint asks me.

Honestly i don't know. I've been with Dakota since highschool and i thought she was my forever. I never thought we'd be apart.

So do i 100% think it's over? No. But i need to reevaluate what i want, and being with Dakota right now i can't do that. I owe and deserve the best.

For now is it over? Yes.

"For now i think it has to be". I respond as both Carter and Saint stay silent.

"We'll give you some time". They both get up and leave me.

I don't like how i just left Dakota and i'm not pleased with our conversation. So before i really think it's over, one more conversation is needed.

As i sit in my car looking outside, my mind is going 100 miles an hour. Stephan just broke up with me and i can't believe it.

He is just upset and angry right now, i think when he cools down he'll reconsider. Or hell i sure hope so, because i need him.

For the moment i need to just calm down and take a breath.

And most importantly i need to find somewhere to stay. No way in hell am i staying at our house.

I could stay with my mom, but she'll just ask too many questions that im not ready to answer. So i guess a hotel is my only option, i'll just book one on my phone.

Shit my phone, i just threw it out the window.

So step one, go get another phone. Step two book a hotel. And step three get myself together and keep praying that Stephan didn't mean what he said.

Later in the Evening.....

I finally was able to get a new phone, you know after waiting at the phone store forever. I got the same number so as soon as i open my phone tons of messages and missed phone calls flow.

Calls from my mom,dakota,isabel and even saint. Not one from Stephan and that makes my heart ache. But then i try to tell myself maybe he needs time.

Anyways once i got my phone i booked a hotel room and went there. I'm a girl and always have spare clothes in my truck, so no need to stop my my house. I wouldn't wanna go there anyway, not like this.

The Next Morning......

I wake up still feeling like shit. I just want my life back to normal, ugh.

I look at my phone and my eyes go wide. It's a text from Stephan saying "Meet me at the house at 3:00, don't b late". I chuckle at his message.

Even in hard times his dominance doesn't change, and i pray this conversation is about us getting back to normal.

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