Chapter 5

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I get awoken by Isabel.

"Dakota get up". She continues to bother me.

"Isabel im trying to sleep, what". I don't mean to be mad at her but damn woman.

"Saint told me to tell you to get up, Stephan & Carter are on their way". I should be scared but I'm too tired & this hangover is a bitch.

"Well im tired Bella, so tell Saint I don't care". I then feel her get off the bed.

"It's gonna be your ass bestie". I laugh while I'm half asleep & I hear her leave.

Can't they let us sleep in, it's fucking early & this hangover is no joke.

I start to fall back asleep when I hear the door slam open. It makes me nervous and I jump up and look to see who it is.

"What the fuck Saint". I yell at him because he almost gave me a heart attack.

"When I tell you do get up Dakota, GET THE FUCK UP". He yells and im so mad. I was fucking sleeping.

"I was SLEEPING". I yell back

"I don't care, get the fuck up and come downstairs". He says but I just sit there. Fuck him. I don't know how Kind deals with his rude ass.

"Okay now leave me alone". He chuckles and before he walks out he's says

"You got 5 minutes".

He is so annoying, and has to much shit up his ass.

I huff and get out of bed, use the bathroom & go downstairs.

When I get downstairs I head to the kitchen where I know everyone is.

"Morning bestie". Kind says even though she looks dead, like me and Isabel. Hangovers are no joke.

"Morning". I yawn sitting down & Saint puts food in-front of me with juice.

He hasn't changed since high-school, always wanting someone to eat. I'm not Kind though, so he can't tell me to eat. Who has an appetite when they're hangover anyways. All I want is some aspirin and juice.

"Just the juice". I say and quite nicely honestly.

"Dakota". He warns and I just ignore him and drink my juice.

Then the doorbell rings, I volunteer to get it and get up.

"No. Sit down". Saint stops me and gets it himself.

"What the fuck is wrong with him". I ask Kind.

"Oh don't worry about him, he's still mad from yesterday. That's why I'm trying not to piss him off more or add to my so called "punishment". Me and Isabel both laugh at her. Kind doesn't give a fuck about punishments.

Isabel stops laughing once she sees Saint walk back in with Stephan & Carter.

Carter walks to Isabel and Stephan comes behind me, i lift my head back to look up to him.

"Hi". I'm obviously trying to lighten his mood, considering he's really mad.

"Hi". He responds make but his face is flat.

Okay so me trying to be nice isn't gonna work.

"Well thanks for the breakfast, but we're gonna go". I start to get up but Stephan pushes me back down.

"We can go after you eat". Is he being serious. Why can't we just go.

"But—". I didn't even get to finish my sentence.

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