Chapter 11

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"Can't you fucking knoc..." Kind stops mid sentence after seeing it's me.

"Damn bitch I was about to curse your ass out". I laugh & to my surprise Isabel was here too.

"I can see that, I'm glad you both are here. A bitch is stressing". I plop down on one of the chairs Kind has in her office.

"What's wrong". Isabel asks, god I love her.

"Stephan is talking about marriage". They both look at each other and laugh.

Um am I missing something? Why is that funny?

"Why is that funny". I'm confused.

"Because bitch why are you stressing about that. Isn't that the goal with having a boyfriend, to get married". Kind asks more of a statement than a question.

"Do you not wanna marry Stephan". Isabel asks looking worried. Of course I do. I love him.

"Of course I do, he's my everything".

"Then what's the problem chica". They try to understand my panic.

"It's not that I don't wanna marry him, because I do. Like with everything in me. It's just that what if I'm not a good wife. What if I mess up". Call me stupid but this is a general fear of mine.

I just don't wanna mess up, especially not for Stephan.

"Get your head out of your ass Dakota". My eyes pop wide open after Kind says that. The hell!?

"Stephan loves the shit out of you. Everyone messes up in life & relationships". Kind continues clearing up my confusion.

"What Kind means to say is that, you'll be an amazing wife one day. And if you do mess up Stephan will be there to help you. Don't worry Kota you'll be great & im be great as your maid of honor". Isabel says making me laugh and feel a lot better.

Shit I almost cried.

"Hey I'm gonna be the maid of honor. Right". They fight about everything.

"I knew her first". Isabel says defending her spot as my maid of honor.

"I'm not even a fiancé yet, slow down". They both laugh.

"But when I do get married, you both will be my maid of honor. You've both been there for me and it's only right". They once again smile.

"Deal". Kind says and I laugh.

"Enough about me, Isabel did you talk to Carter". I can't wait to find out what happened, hope all went well.

"Actually yes, I was so nervous but I did talk to him. He said he understood and we talked about it, like a lot. He also said he doesn't want me to feel scared to talk to him, which made me feel a lot better. So I'm happy". You can see the happiness in her face.

I'm glad she was able to talk to him, and they worked it out. She deserves all the happiness in the world.

"I'm happy for you bella". I tell her.

"Me too, cause if he didn't agree with you I would've beat his ass". Kind is crazy as hell. She's got real issues.

"Your crazy".

"Only way to live sis". We all laugh and just talk.

Technically I'm not supposed to be here but what Stephan doesn't know won't kill him. And I also think it's hilarious how we all have companies to run, but instead we are here living our moments as friends.

I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else.

Suddenly someone just walks right in Kinds office.

"Don't you knock". Kind says before looking at whom walked in.

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