Chapter 8

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I don't really know why he wants to talk to me right now, we came all the way here so he can finish working. He could've waiting to talk until we got home.

Once I get to Stephan's desk like he asked i stand by it.

"Sit". I go to sit in the chairs infront of his desk but he stops me, and directs me to his lap. Of course.

"Why can't I just sit here". He gets a frustrated look on his face, I roll my eyes then just go sit on his lap.

I definitely don't have the energy to argue over a fucking chair, not right now anyways.

"Why do I have to ask you multiple times to do stuff? It's simple requests that you fail to do, and the eye rolls, slamming doors, & the huffs and puffs are unnecessary and annoying. You need to stop acting like a little kid".

"I'm not you are just being annoying, I'm not 17 anymore and you need to stop treating me like I am".

"Is this why you've been acting out? Is this the conversation you wanted to have". Damn now I have to have this conversation.

"Yes". I look down.

"Why couldn't you just say that then, going through all this shit for no reason". He has a point I could've just said it, but it's not that easy.

Part of our relationship is built on being dom/sub, so if that changes it might change us. And I like us. Scratch that, love us.

"I was scared". I say while looking down.

"Scared of what". Stephan asks while lifting my head to meet his. Eyes to eyes. Face to face.

"That our relationship would change because part of our relationship is built on the rules". I was so nervous to say that fuck.

"And one of our "rules" is to communicate, which you failed to do". He's right, I should've just told him.

"I'm sorry". I apologize.

"What about this rules did you wanna change". He completely ignores my apology and it's weird. Least he could've said was okay, like damn.

"Like the drinking limit & going out. I'm 21 years old and should be able to drink as much as I want. When I wanna go out to the clubs with Kind & Isabel I shouldn't have to ask. Oh and about not being able to see them right now, we aren't kids you can't use that as a punishment".

"Anything else". I feel like he isn't being serious, and it's annoying because I'm 100% serious.

"Not at the moment". If he wants to be smart so can I.

"You can stop with the sarcasm". What I'm talking about, hypocrite.

"Anyways, I don't care if you drink. My problem is you go overboard which isn't necessary because your a lightweight".

"That's why people go to clubs, to get drunk and have fun". He's only saying this because he barely gets drunk.

"And you can still do that, but you don't need to get completely hammered. You can get drunk off of a couple drinks, because your a lightweight". I guess he's right but that doesn't matter.

I'm 21 and can drink whenever, whatever I
want. Period.

"Okay I get your concerns but still I'm 21, your gonna have to let me". Ether way im gonna drink when I go out, so he's gonna have to get over it.

"Okay". I smile, but not before it gets let down again.

"The going out and staying out all night isn't gonna happen. You can go out but not all night. I'm willing to change the curfew but that's it. We live in a dangerous world Dakota, especially with the paparazzi & you refusing to have security. It's just not gonna happen".

We do live in a dangerous world, but hell everytime we leave the house we're taking the risk so what the fuck.

"I'll change the time to 1:30 am, and that's me being generous. About not being able to see Isabel & Kind, your right I can't stop you". At least I got 2/3 wishes, which with Stephan is a miracle.

"But". Here he goes saying some extra shit.

"I'm allowing you to see them, but they are still on punishment and cannot see you. So until Carter & Saint say it's okay, then no you may not see them".

"Can't you just say something to them".

I mean they are his bestfriends, im sure if he says something they will lift the punishment about not seeing each other.

"No". He simply says no, like why not?

"Why". At this point I think Stephan is being a tad bit petty.

"Because Dakota that isn't my relationship & how they decide to handle their punishments isn't my business. Nether is it yours so don't say anything to them". I look back down at my hands.

I need to figure out a way. With or without his help.

"I'm serious Dakota". He lifts my head back up again.

"Yes sir". I'm lying but just because I wanna see my friends. My family.

"Why didn't you accept my apology about not telling you". I just remembered.

"I don't know, why don't you understand that Kylo just wants to fuck you". Here we go with this shit.

"Can we please stop talking about this. About him".

"No Dakota we can't. Who you have working for you in your company is your business. But you won't go on lunches with him or anything else that doesn't involve work".

"He is just a friend". Why can't he understand that, like seriously.

"Dakota this isn't up for discussion, he can be your work friend, not a personal one. Understood". I'm not gonna win this battle, not even if I try.

"Yes sir".

"Good, now I'm gonna finish this so we can go". I start to get off his lap then he pushes me back down.

"I didn't say get off". I'm confused isn't he mad at me, he didn't accept my apology & usually he does.

Stephan scoots up to his desk so he can type on his laptop, and moves me on top of him to a comfortable position.

He's sitting upright in his chair, obviously. And laying sideways, with my legs hanging off the arm rail & my head is on his chest.

"Are you still mad at me". He stops typing and I continue to look at the screen.

"Why after every time I get mad at you and we've talked about it, you still ask me "if im still mad". I can tell his looking down at me.

I can feel his eyes drilling holes into me.

"I don't know, I just don't want you to be mad at me. Plus you still didn't accept my apology".

"Dakota once we've talked about it im not mad anymore, so you can stop asking me. I accept your apology, we're okay". I look up at him & give him a kiss.

He gives a slight chuckle, and I lay my head back down in his chest. Stephan then goes back to his work.

I really do love this man. My forever.

Sorry for any errors
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