Chapter 20

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As i watch my phone ring i debate on wether to answer, considering he's the reason for this mess.

On the other hand going off on him would make me feel a little better, not that he would even give a fuck about Stephan being mad.

"What do you want". I give attitude.

"Watch your tone".

"Or what? Are you gonna ruin my relationship again. Are you gonna pop up at my office again and ruin my life". I yell at him then eventually start to cry into the phone.

"Dakota". Zayn says through the phone and repeats my name as i continue to cry.

When i don't answer him she hangs up, im pretty sure he's gonna just show up here again. Great.

Actually it is great, because i can tell him once and for all that we're done. We've been done for years and i shouldn't have even given him the chance of a conversation.

10 mins later........

Zayn comes bursting through my door and i look up with my teary face. I stand up and walk to him.

"Dakota are you okay". The nerve of him.

"No im not fucking okay. Stephan basically just broke up with me without saying it. I could've just lost the love of my life because of you".

"Because your selfish". I hit him in his chest.

"Because your stubborn". I hit him again.

"Because you fucking came back". I hit him once more as he grabs my wrists.

"Dakota stop, fucking stop." I start to breakdown and cry. I fall to the floor on my knees and just cry. Zayn falls with me and holds me.

This is his fault too and i should push him away.

But at this moment i don't have the energy. I feel like nothing right now.

As i cry Zayn doesn't say anything but let me cry in his arms.

After a while i stop crying and lift my head to look at Zayn.

"I love Stephan, he's it for me".

"I know". Guess seeing me cry finally got him to notice.

"What we had i'll always remember and i'll never forget it. Forget you. But it's not my life anymore, my life is with Stephan and i don't wanna loose that. I know you came back for me but your too late. We'll always be friends and i'll always care for you, for right now that just has to be from a distance".

"I'll always love you Dakota, but your right i just have to do it from a distance". Zayn gets up and then helps me up.

"Don't cry". He wipes my tears as he holds my hands.

"You'll find someone who loves you Zayn, i know it". And he will, he's very charming.

"I know and thank you. I really do want the best for you Dako wether it's with Stephan or whoever. I'm sorry for getting in between your relationship, and i'm sorry if i lost it for you". I really do appreciate his apology, more than anything.

"Thank you". I thank him once again.

"Good luck Dako". He kisses my forehead and we hug for one final time.

Then he leaves.

Now i'm all alone. Again.  

Zayns apology meant a lot to me, but it doesn't help me with Stephan. It won't help me fix it.

"Dakota". Laya says over my intercom and i snap back into reality.

"Valentinos on the phone waiting for you to connect to the video chat, i told them you couldn't today but they aren't able to reschedule".

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