Chapter 2

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"Each day you seem to get bolder baby, that could only mean one thing". He gets up from the chair & sits me in it. He then walks around the chair.

"That reason is im going to easy on you. What do you say we give you a quick punishment to remind you of who i am. Mhm?". I could've bet he was gonna say that. He's not going easy on me, if anything im just obeying him too much.

I really don't want a punishment. Not when I plan to still go out tomorrow.

"All I said was im going out with my friends". I don't understand why he's making it a big deal.

"And I told you no. I said no because 1st your a light weight & can't handle your liquor, 2nd I don't trust that you'll listen to my rules if allowed because well we all know you won't & 3rd because I'm not going with you". Bull.

All of those reasons are dumb.

I can handle my liquor, well maybe not but that's why people go to clubs. To get DRUNK. And yes whenever he lets me and the girls go out alone I don't follow his rules because I'm 21 & don't need to obey his every command.

Oh and don't get me wrong our group is cool with everyone, but why would Kind want Stephan there at her party anyways. She's my best friend not his.

"Come on Stephan, im 21 and I can go out. The reason people go to clubs is to get drunk & it's one night".

"Your age doesn't matter to me, your maturity does".

"Well im going". I really regret saying that.

"Fine". Maybe I don't regret saying that. I'm shocked. How after all that he can just say fine?

He's not done yet. Great.

"But I'm going". Ladies and gentlemen there it is.

This isn't even his party let alone mine. He can't just make the rules about something he has no control over.

"Stephan this isn't mine or your party. You can't make the rules". He smirks at me and I'm confused.

He then walks towards be and bends down to my ear. I get shivers feeling his breath on me.

"Maybe. But you know what I can say. Or do?". Shit. I hate when he does this, he knows it makes me fold.

In all honesty whenever he's with me I get horny and nervous. He's just so fine.

"Yes sir". I respond to him as I should, because I know exactly what he would do. Stephan gets mad when I don't answer him & i don't wanna deal with a punishment.

"You know mhm?". His hand travels down my body and into my pants. I moan in surprise.

"Your not playing fair". I moan and he smirks.

"I never do". He laughs & he is enjoying this torture.


He circles one of his fingers around my clit and I squirm in my seat, lifting my body towards him. Due to that Stephan pushes my body back down in his chair.

"Still baby. Still". I hate when he tells me that. He knows it's impossible for me, that's why he ends up just tying me down.

"Stephan". I moan out and try to stay still. He's playing dirty and he knows it. I didn't come in here to get fingered, even though im not opposed to it.

So I grab his hand making him stop. Wrong move on my part.

"Move your hand". He demands but I don't, even though i probably should.

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