Chapter 14

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Do you guys know how hard it was to ditch Saint?

Anyways, after my party was over I told my mom I'm riding with her. I also told her we had to rush out of there because of Saint.

I'm sure Saint already told Stephan but I don't care.

"All couples go through stuff mahal ko". My mom tries to reassure me while driving me home.
Translation: my love *dakotas mom is filipino*

"I know but Stephan is overreacting about nothing. He has no reason to be jealous about Kylo".

"Sometimes men just act jealous about about, it will pass. For now just keep reassuring him". I shouldn't have to keep doing that. It's getting annoying and exhausting.

"See your point". My mom chuckles at my response.

"Well, one thing about that man of yours is that he has great taste in homes". My mom says laughing while we pull up to my house.

"Yea I guess he does, well it's late go home mommy. Thank you for coming & dropping me home".

"Of course baby anything for you. I'm so proud of your new release, keep it up baby. I love you sinta". We hug and she kisses my forehead.
Translation: sweetie

"I love you too". I get out the car and rush inside. I hate being out during the night time, especially since paparazzi likes to lurk outside our house, so i always gotta rush for the gate.


Once I get inside I decide to take a quick shower.

I'm gonna sleep in the guest room tonight, or try to.

I'm pretty sure Stephan will find me and move me, but it's worth a try. Even so i hate sleeping alone so i don't care if he finds me.

Maybe it will make him feel bad. He deserves it because tonight he acted totally disrespectful. Stephan should have just respected the fact that it was my event & not the time.

My release party was to celebrate a good thing in my life, it wasn't the place for Stephan to act a fool. It disappointed me, because I know him. He talks so much shit about me acting childish & being a brat, but that's exactly what he was tonight.

Can't wait to throw that part in his face.

I let tonight's thought drift me into my sleep.

As im on my way home from work Saint calls me.
He tells me that Dakota sneaked out of her party.

I'm not surprised.

When i get home i don't find Dakota in our room, where the fuck is she?

So i decided to call her phone, i hear it ringing & follow it. By following it i find her in one of our guest rooms. Of course.

Just because i'm mad at her, i'm not letting her sleep in here. We are a couple, we're sleeping together. Period.

So i carry her to our room & lay her down, careful not to wake her up.

After that i take a quick shower and try to sleep.

Key word being try.

I can't sleep for shit so i decide to get a snack from the kitchen.

Ice cream? Yogurt? Or fruit?

Yogurt and fruit.

After fixing my snack i sit on the stool infront of our island, when suddenly a small pair of arms wrap around my waist. It makes me jump, because i thought Dakota was asleep. Plus her hands are fucking cold.

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