Chapter 26

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Never in a million years would i want to see what's standing infront of me.

Or should i say who.

I'm so stunned i can barely speak.

"I wanted to be the one that told you, so please don't be mad at them". Stephan says standing next to this bimbo.

"Tell me what exactly". I ask with my voice shaking because i feel as if i might cry.

"This is Ila, she's my um". He pauses his sentence.

And i close my eyes and pray he doesn't say what i think he's about to say.

"Girlfriend". Once i hear those words my heart shatters into a million pieces. Literally.

This can't be happening, this cannot be real life right now.

Who moves on after 5 months, i mean not after being in a relationship for like 7 years.

You do not move on that fast, you just don't.

"What". You can hear the tears in my voice. I couldn't hide the pain in my voice, not even if i wanted too.

"Could you all take Ila to get some food, i need to talk with Dakota. Alone".

They all agree and leave me alone with Stephan. It feels so weird, it's like we are strangers now and that's upsetting.

"Moved on pretty quick huh". I give him sass because what the fuck .

"Please watch your mouth, im not really trynna argue with you". The nerve of him.

"Argue with me? Are you serious, you just brought this bimbo to my welcome home party. And here i thought when i got back you woulda realized we were meant to be. That you still love me". Why would he even bring her here?

"Dakota we haven't even seen or spoke to each other in five months".

"Ands who's fault is that? I called and texted you every fucking day, and you never responded. Not once. Everyone was telling me you just needed time, so i gave it too you. Looks like i made the wrong decision, huh". Tears start to flow down my face as i get angeier.

"You know if you didn't do what you did, we would even be having this conversation. And i didn't answer you because, yes i did need time. And during that time i meet Ila, i didn't plan too. But she was there, and i appreciated that. You weren't the only one suffering Dakota so stop acting like your the victim". We have a moment of silence before he speaks again.

"Look Dakota what we had, i'll always cherish. And i'll always love you, but..." I interrupt him because i don't wanna hear what he's about to say.

I don't want him to confirm that we won't ever be together again. I just don't wanna hear it.

"Please don't say it". Tears come down my face even more as i plead him to not say it.

"Please just move on Dakota, your just making this worse for yourself. And given that we have the same friends, i'd like us to be friends. Or i at least hope so".

Stephan steps closer to me and kisses my cheek.

"Im happy your back". And with that he leaves me with my tears.

How confusing and heartbreaking was that?

Then Kind and Isabel rush over to me.

"Oh Dakota we are so sorry..." I interrupted Isabel as she starts to plead.

"You both knew". My voice is in shock.

"Dakota we couldn't..." I interrupted her once again.

"How long". I ask while in tears.

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