Chapter 27

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My mom texted me when everybody left, so i drove back home.

What a fucking day, possibly the worst day of my life. And hell i thought coming back home would be one of the best.

Boy was i wrong, so wrong.

As i'm laying in bed in my old room, my mom knocks and comes in.

"Just wanted to check on you". I told her over text why i left so she knows what happened earlier.

"Thanks, but i just sleep and forget today ever happened".

"Sweetie your life isn't over". She thinks i'm being dramatic and i'm not. This is my real life and it's getting fucked up.

"Not yet". She chuckles.

"How could he move on mom, you don't move on from years in a relationship. You just don't". I don't understand how he moved on. It's just now way.

I cannot fathom it.

"Maybe he didn't. Maybe this is his way of a distraction. He might be trying to convince himself that having a new girlfriend is him moving on from you". Good theory.

"So you think he hasn't really moved on".

"Well i haven't been around Stephan and her to know, but from where i was standing tonight, he doesn't love her. They seem like friends more than a couple". Didn't look that way to me.

He looked happy.

"Maybe". I shrug just wanting this conversation to end.

"You know i don't want this too drain you, to take all your energy. Never chase someone if they are changing you".

"Mom, i just wanna sleep". This conversation will do nothing but irritate me further. Especially when my mom thinks she knows everything.

Me and my mom are really close and i love talking to her about my life, but about this i don't really need her opinion about what i needa do.

I love her but gosh.

"Dakota, i just what you too be okay". And i thank her for wanting that for me, but i'm an adult.

"I will mom".

"Okay. I love you". I say it back, and turn to the wall trying to fall asleep.

But before my mom goes she speaks again.

"You know you and Isabel have been best friends since you were little. And then you met Kind, and you three became the 3 musketeers. I know what they did must've hurt you, but it wasn't intentional and deep down you know that. It'll be a shame to let one bad thing ruin years of friendship. Because i've never seen three beautiful young women love and care for each other the way you three do". With that she shuts the light off and closes the door.

Maybe i was being too harsh on Isabel and Kind.

But bottom line is they should've told me, regardless. If it was the other way around i would've told them and i don't care what the consequences would've been. 

I love them like sisters and i always will.

Even though what they did was wrong, they didn't deserve to be yelled at. It's not their fault Stephan has a new girlfriend, and i know at the end of the day they will always have my back.

So i owe them an apology, hopefully they'll accept it.

I already lost Stephan, and i can't afford to loose them too.

The Next Morning

"Morning". I say walking into the kitchen where my parents are eating breakfast.

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