Chapter 16

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"If you loved me why'd you break up with me". Never to late to get answers, right ?

"Like i just said, the long distance wasn't working for us". Bullshit.

"If you loved me, you would've made it work". I look up at him as he still hovers over me.

"Don't question my love for you, and don't blame it all on me. Because if i remember correctly you didn't make it easy on me". The nerve and as i think to myself, it's like like why am i even having this conversation.

"You know what it doesn't even matter, i have a boyfriend". I say even though Zayn already knows.

"I could care less about that little boy, you know you've always been mine together or not. And lets not forget i was your first and he'll never get what i got. I love you Dako, you know that". Zayn kisses my forehead and lets me go.

"Don't get too upset that i'm leaving, you'll see me soon Dako". He winks then leaves me in the bathroom.

Holy fuck, what was that?

Zayn is definitely gonna get me in trouble. A lot of trouble.

I got to the bathroom sink and splash my face, thankful i'm not wearing any makeup. After drying my face i look in the mirror.

What in the fuck really just happened? How can he just pop up like that, like i don't have a life?

Stephan definitely cannot find out about Zayn, like ever. I know i shouldn't lie but i don't have the energy right now.

Stephan is possessive and gets jealous really fast, so why cause stress if i don't have too.

The only thing i'm worried about is Zayn himself. He said "see you soon", like what?! I have no intention to see him but i know Zayn, i know he's gonna do what he wants.

As long as i keep Zayn away from Stephan i should be good. I hope so atleast.

Ugh, i need to get out this bathroom.

After exiting out the bathroom i go back to our table. The boys are back which i knew they probably would be.

"You okay". Stephan asks as i sit down next to him & lean my head on his shoulder. Seeing Zayn really did exhaust me, and give me a headache.

"Yea i just got a headache". Not a complete lie.

"Probably because you needa eat. Put your head up". I was hungry so maybe it will make me feel better.

We all eat and decide to go home. I told Kind and Isabel i'll give them the tea later. Kind has absolutely no idea what's going on, because i only met her senior year. She has no clue about my relationship with Zayn or anything, so i know she's dying for the tea.

She'll just have to wait.

Anyways the ride home was silent, for some reason i feel like Stephan knows something's off. Of course im not gonna say anything, maybe it's just a feeling.

Zayn did make me 100x more paranoid than usual, given that paparazzi are literal stalkers.

Honestly i just wanna go to sleep.

Once we get home i jump straight into bed, i'll shower tomorrow before work. I took my leggings & shoes off, along with untying me shirt so it hangs low.

"You took along time in the bathroom". Stephan says out of the blue making nervous. Fuck maybe he does know.

"Long line". Lie.

"Right". He says going into the bathroom, great. He definitely knows. I'm still not gonna say anything, hopefully he just gets over it.

All i know is i'm tired and going to bed, im exhausted.

The next day.....

I'm currently scrambling in my office, and it's all Zayn fault. I can't focus for shit.

I love Stephan like whole heart but seeing Zayn messed me up. I don't know what to do, and i need help so i told the girls to come. I know they are working but i need them.

Suddenly a knock comes to my door and i know it's not them. First of they would definitely not knock, they'd walk right in. Ugh.

Since i can't sit still i go open the door, to whom i find Kylo. Great.

"I'm sorry Kylo now isn't a great time, but did you need something real quick". Hopefully he just wants a quick question answered.

"Sorry your having a bad day, i just need your signature for the new hire in PR". New hire? Since we did we need a new hire for my PR team?

"What are you talking about Kylo, we don't need another person on my PR team". I allow him in my office and shut the door. Definitely don't need people hearing my conversations.

"Yes we do, last week i fired Alai because i found her and Derrick kissing in the break room. It goes against our staff policy, which reminds me Derrick is fired too so i'll need to replace his position in marketing". My jaw is dropped, he cannot be serious.

The policy i have in place when i established my business states, it's not to my likeness if employees date but if they have relations it's to be submitted to HR.

Personally i don't like when my employees date because it gets in the way of business. It's better to not mix pleasure and work, but it's their life & as long as it doesn't affect my business i don't give a damn.

Not to fucking mention all terminations and new hires have to be approved by me.

"You can't be fucking serious Kylo. Their contract says they can date, it just has to be reported to HR then by me. You had no reason to fire them and not to mention it's not your place. This is my company. Your head of HR meaning you make your decisions then alert me for the final signature. Get them both back here & i want you to apologize. Tell your new hire they are no longer needed". That felt good, letting him know who's boss.

"But you said you didn't like mixing business and pleasure". That's real rich coming from him, considering he likes me and i'm his "boss".

"Personally i don't, but i can't help how others feel. Who am i to tell them they can't date, and who are you to tell them that".

"I thought it's what you wanted".

"Well it's not and please don't do that again. Because if you ever abuse your position again you'll be the one fired". Once i say that to him he looks angry. Like he wants to go off on me, i'd like to see him try though.

"Yes ma'am". He immediately walks out and in come my two favorite bitches.

Kind & Isabel. Thank, fucking, god.

"Kylo is so fine". I just roll my eyes at Kind, not even gonna engage in her comment.

"Anyways i needed to talk to y'all about Zayn. What am i gonna do". I need their help.

"Ouu Zayns the hottie from last night isn't he? Wait who was he, how do you know him?" I give Kind the whole story about me and Zayn & i tell them both about last nights event in the bathroom with him.

She looks so shocked.

"Wow. That is so hot". I look at Kind like she's an idiot. That girl is weird.

"Kind, do you not see the issue". Isabel steps in playfully.

"Not really, Dakota you can be with whoever you want. I say if you still love Zayn go for it, Stephan will understand". I can't believe she's saying this too me.

I love Stephan and i can't imagine life without him.

"You really think that". Isabel asks seeming just as shocked as me.

"I mean if you still love Zayn then you need to figure it out. You can't have both of them, you have to choose".

"Dakota i have a Zayn Parker wanting to see you" Laya says over my intercom. Shit.

"I think that's our cue to go, we'll send him in for you". Kind winks and they both leave.

Fuck me.

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