Chapter 6

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Ever since I've been with Stephan I've only said my safe word, twice. Today would be the third.

I just couldn't take it anymore.

Stephan unties my hands and takes my blindfold off, then brings me in.

"Are you okay baby". I love that he comforts me even when he punishes me. Even when he goes to hard on me.

"Yea". I say trying to calm down. Fuck my ass hurts.

Stephan just holds me until i calm down form crying.

Once I'm calm he speaks.

"What's going on with you? Why are you being more defiant every day? Why don't you listen". I knew he was gonna ask these questions.

It's not that I don't listen to him, it's that he just needs to loosen up on the rules. I'm not a kid anymore.

"Nothings going on with me". I'm honestly not trying to get into that big conversation right now.

Part of our relationship is the rules so if they change i don't know how it will affect us. I don't want it to affect us in a bad way, on the other hand I know I have to say it. Right now though I just don't have the energy for it.

"Don't give me that bullshit Dakota, im not a fucking idiot. I'm not gonna ask you again, what's wrong".

"Stephan seriously". I say hoping he will just give it a rest. I don't really think it's a big deal, it's just a conversation that we need to have. Eventually.

"Dakota don't piss me off".

"I'm not trying to, your the one still talking". 

"Dakota, im not fucking playing with your ass". I should tell him because he's getting mad, but i don't wanna talk about it at the moment.

Why can't he just understand that.

"Stephan". I drag out the "n". I'm being difficult but I don't care.

"Stop acting like a fucking baby, like you said you wanna be an adult then act like one. Don't be a hypocrite".

"I'm not a hypocrite". I am an adult and I'm not being a baby. I just don't wanna talk right now, it's called being human.

"I told you my rules for Kinds birthday and you didn't listen. Care to tell me why".  I could tell him but he won't wanna hear it.

"Because I wanted to have fun". Half the truth is better than none.

"You think this is some kind of game". I'm obviously pissing him off, and I better stop before I make this shit worse.

"No". I look down and my hands.

"Then why are you trying me". He lifts my chin up to look him in the eyes.

I shrug my shoulders and I hear him grunt under his breath.

"I just wanted to have fun without your rules, im sorry okay". I'm not really sorry, but if it's gonna shut him up.

"Your not sorry, but I'm gonna let it go. I'm not gonna let you off without talking again. When I want to know something you tell me, stop acting like a brat Dakota because you aren't one". Stephan gets up and goes to our bathroom.

I hear him start the bath tub water.

"Dakota come here". I know he wants me to take a bath. Relax my sore ass but from his abuse.

I get up and go to the bathroom.

Stephan helps me get in and surprisingly he gets in with me. Usually he just washes me but not today.

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