Chapter 17

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To say i was nervous was an understatement, im fucking terrified. And i'm trying to figure out why he feels the entitlement to just show up.

This is my business and he can't just pop up whenever he wants.

I decide to sit at my desk and wait for him to come in, im to nervous to stand. Plus maybe it will make me feel more like a boss to him, show him i run things here.

Zayn comes right in and doesn't bother to knock, he is such an asshole. He's so inconsiderate.

"Don't you knock". He smirks walking over to my desk.

"No". I just shake my head.

"What are you even doing here, this is my office. You can't just show up here whenever you want, this isn't your house".

"You've gotten much bolder from our days back in school. Can't lie it's pretty sexy, but it's also pissing me off so stop". I try to tell myself not to let him demand you around, on the other hand when i'm with him he makes me feel weak.

It's like at this point he can make me do anything, ugh.

"What do you want Zayn". I say trying to change the subject so maybe he will just hurry up and leave.

"Im taking you to lunch, let's go". He tells me more than asking me. Is he insane? No way am i going in public with him.

"No, i have a boyfriend". Zayn smirks at me and walks behind my desk to where i am.

"I wasn't asking Dako, let's go". As i'm about to go off on him a knock comes to my door. Damn who is it now?

I allow them in.

Kylo again, i'm not in the mood for him.

"I'm busy Kylo, what is it". Kylo looks right at Zayn and i look between them. Zayn looks mad as fuck, and so does Kylo.

Guess they can't handle each other's testosterone. Men and their egos.

"I just wanted to apologize again for earlier, you were right and it wasn't my place. And to make up for i was thinking i could take you to lunch. You know since you owe me one anyways". Kylo sounds so sweet but sarcastic, like he's putting on a show for Zayn.

And as i'm about to respond to him Zayn does for me.

"Sorry but she's not available for lunch today, nor any other day. So your excused". The nerve of him.

"And you are". Kylo responds confused.

"No of your business. Goodbye".

"Don't pay attention to him. I accept your apology, but i'm busy right now. Rain check on the lunch, promise". He smiles at me and says okay.

Once he leaves that's where Zayn starts his shit.

"Who the fuck is that". Zayn grabs my face demanding an answer, shit this hurts.

"My employee, your hurting me". He lets go.

"I don't like him". He is just like Stephan, guess i really do have a type. Lol.

I don't say anything back because i don't care. I'll talk to whoever i want.

"I'm taking you to lunch, so get up or i'll get you up. Your choice". Zayn is obviously done with the games, so i think it's better if i just go.

I'm definitely gonna be wearing my sunglasses the whole time, especially if i'm gonna be in public with this man.

Ugh, what has my life come to.

I grab my bag and head downstairs. I tell Laya i'll be back soon and to cover for me. Of course her silly ass winks at me before i leave.

Me and Zayn head into his car, and he zooms off in it. What is with guys and driving so fucking fast? I'll never understand.

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