Chapter 33

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We make it too Dakotas office and the elevator is stuck on the 5th floor, so we take the steps to that floor.

When we get there we find Dakotas phone on the floor with a small puddle of blood.

"FUCK". I punch the wall. I will fucking kill Kylo.

Mark my words.

"You know punching a fucking wall won't find her Stephan, if you wanna find her, you need to calm down". Carter says and he's right, even though i wanna punch him right now too.

Soon the police arrive and i tell them the situation.

Them fuckers are useless, they need proof that Dakota is missing.

"The fucking puddle of blood isn't enough". I yell at the perfume.

"Sir you need to calm down".

"No, you need to find my girlfriend". Dakota is mine, and i will set the world on fire for her.

"Stephan". Laya comes rushing in with her laptop.

"The tech guy sent me the video, i have it here". I take the laptop from her and open it straight up, but before i press play Dakotas parents and brother come rushing and my phone rings.

Fuck, it's my mom.

"Hi mom, i can't talk now, someone took Dakota i'll call you back". Im about to hang up before she screams at me not too.

"Stephan someone took Lyric, she was coming inside and then someone took her. We watch the security video but i don't know who it is, i called the police and they are here right now. Baby you need to come home, please". This is not a coincidence and something is fucking wrong.

"Ma calm down, and send me the video please, and don't worry we will find Lyric, just leave it to me. I love you". I hang up and fight the urge not to fucking go off.

My girlfriend is gone and now my sister, what the fuck.

"Where the fuck is my sister". Derek yells as i get off the phone.

"Kylo took her because she fired him". Laya says and i watch Dakotas moms face fall flat. She will kill me if i don't find her daughter.

"He was always so nice". Her mom says.

"He was always a fucker to me, and to make matters worse my sister is now missing as well. This isn't a coincidence and i can bet Kylo took Lyric too, what i don't understand is why". I say.

"Here's the video of when Dakota was taken".

I play the video and it shows Dakota in the video being knocked out by Kylo, and he drags her out. That mother fucker.

"Oh my". Dakotas mom says.

"Is that enough proof for you officer". I say and he asks what Kylos full name is. I tell him and he leaves.

"Stephan, screw them police. I'm counting on you to find my daughter, please". Dakotas dad says to me.

"I promise". And i don't intend to let go of that promise.

I then watched the video my mom sent me and it's Kylo once again talking Lyric, he is a bold mother fucker.

I don't know what he really wants with Dakota or Lyric but i intend to find out, even if it kills me.

This is one hell of a birthday.

4 hours later.....

After hours of searching we finally found out where Kylo took my sister and Dakota.

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