Chapter 22

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I told Valentino that i accept his offer. He then told me that i would have to leave on friday, and today is thursday.

At this moment i have to get all my affairs in order, and let everyone know.

But first things first is dealing with my company, i'll be gone and need some help running it from paris. There's only one person i trust enough to run it and knows everything about it.


Laya knows everything and she's knows me well. I trust her completely, plus she won't be alone. I'll still be there to help, it just has to be over the phone.

After telling Valentino i go see Laya.

"Your what". Of course her dramatic ass.

"Yes i'm moving to paris, only for a few months. And until i get back i'll need you to help me run things here. I'll even give you a raise".

"I don't care about the raise, of course i'll help you. I'll miss you though". She walks towards me and hugs me. I return the hug.

"I'll miss you too". And i will, i'll miss everyone.

"You should probably make a formal announcement to everyone". Good idea.

"Get everyone to my floor right now please". I request.

"Yes ma'am". She smiles and complies.

"Could i please have everyone to Ms.Sims floor. Again could i please have every employee to Ms.Sims floor, thank you". Laya says over the intercom & we both wait for everyone to arrive.

Once everyone arrives i make my statement.

"Hello everyone, as you all should know that the collaboration with Valentino is official and in progress". I pause once they all start to clap.

"As i was saying, me and Valentino came up with another big offer which involes me moving to paris. It's not permanent just a few months. But until then i'm gonna need some help running the office while i'm gone. And i've chosen Laya. Starting Friday Laya will be helping me and you will respect her as you would me. If i hear anyone doing otherwise or not doing your job while i'm gone you will be fired. Any questions". It feels good to put on the boss pants, but i'm still feeling like shit about everything.

"Since there is no questions you all may leave, thank you". As they all start to leave my floor and i head to my office and get stopped by Kylo.

"Could i speak with you". What could he possibly say.

"What is it Kylo, i'm really not in the mood".  I walk into my office and he follows me.

"Your never in the mood lately. Anyways is there a reason why you choose Laya over me? My position is ranked well over her's. She is just an assistant". Is he being for real.

"She may be just my assistant but she's way over qualified for it and we both know that. Another reason i didn't choose you because you wouldn't do things my way, you'd do them your way. And in case you've forgotten this is my company, and if you have a problem your more than welcome to leave". Maybe Stephan was right, i should've fired Kylo a long time ago.

Ugh i hate that he was right.

"You know you always threaten to fire me but you never will. I'm the best HR representative your ever gonna get". 

"Your right, you are the best. But i haven't checked in a while cause i didn't need too. I think it's time to change that. Kylo your fired, pack up your things and leave. Now". His eyes pop out his head while his jaw drops.

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