Chapter 4

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Saint calls me at 12:45 am telling me that he's still waiting outside the club for the girls.

This is why we don't let them do this kind of shit, because they don't listen.

Dakota isn't the same as she was in highschool, not saying it's a bad thing. She just doesn't listen to me as much & as a result I've had to punish her more. The big thing is that she doesn't seem to care.

I don't know what's going on with her but we're definitely gonna have to have a conversation.

After her punishment of course.

Anyways Saint told me he's about to go in and get them, considering he's been waiting 45 minutes. I told him Dakota can just stay there & I'll get her in the morning.

She's gonna be drunk and not give a damn, so I'll deal with her ass tomorrow.

Saint asked if I wanted him to punish her, and normally if I wasn't there I'd say yes. Since we have to talk about her behavior I told him not this time.

So now we wait until tomorrow.

I understand it's Kinds 21st which is why I didn't give her a drinking limit. All I asked was that she was outside by 12. It's not a hard request.

It's 12:45 and they are still not outside, and I'm guessing they just don't give a fuck. I could also guess that they are all drunk.

I told Stephan & Carter, which of course they aren't happy. Isabel & Dakota are gonna stay at my house until morning.

Punishing any of them would be pointless because they're all gonna be drunk as fuck.

Fucking lightweights.

After waiting a few more minutes im sick of waiting and go inside to get them.

Walking into the club, it's hot as fuck & people everywhere. Gonna take fucking forever to find them.

Or so I thought.

We are having so much fun.

Us three got up on the stage with the DJ, and danced. Everyone crowded around us on the floor and it felt like we were on clouds.

Dancing,twerking, taking shots and having fun.

I then grab the mic from the DJ table and scream in it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BITCH KINDD, I LOVE YOU". My words are slurred but still clear.

As I looked up into the crowd I see a not so happy Saint. Shit.

I tap Kind whose next to me & she looks up, as I'm pointing to Saint. She looks so unbothered cause she's drunk, but once Saint comes closer she starts to get nervous.

"MAYBE WE SHOULD GET DOWN". Isabel yells and we all definitely agree.

We all head down and off the stage as Saint watches us. He couldn't get through the people so he nods his head towards the door, we definitely got that memo.

"He's gonna tell Stephan & Carter". Isabel points out, even though we already know that.

"Thanks for pointing the obvious Bella". I tease. I'm so drunk that I don't care as much as I thought.

Once we get to the exit where Saint is he doesn't say a word but "Let's go".

You can obviously tell he's mad but like Kind always says, when is he not mad.

We then all get into his car and start the drive to Kind and his house.

"You guys don't know how to fucking listen". He says gripping the steering wheel.

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