At the Party

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Kazuichis pov

I headed into the music venue as instructed. Waiting outside was to my surprise was nagito.

"Ah hello kazuichi. I'm so happy you could make it. Parties like these are important to ensure the ultimates bond" his tone was friendly. I don't trust it.

"Why aren't you inside with the others" I eyed him suspiciously.

"This party is important for your bonding experience. Someone as worthless as me shouldn't be there to ruin it" he said simply.

"It's really hard to hate you when you talk like that" I growled "you know if you just acted normally I'm sure everyone would accept you. You don't have to distance yourself from us like we're something untouchable!"

"Ah your words touch me so deeply. Your kindness makes me feel human" his face lit up in a somewhat innocent way "maybe one day I'll stand among you guys but perhaps that's my arrogance talking" he patted my shoulder and walked away. I watched him for a moment before heading inside.

Everyone was crowded inside, chatting amongst each other. One person in particular I noticed was fuyuhiko.

I stood beside him "hey there. Enjoying the party?"

"Eh it's not the worst party I've been to" he chuckled "still I appreciate what you guys are doing. It's cheesy as fuck but I appreciate it"

"That's good" I nodded. Fuyuhiko really is changing. I could never see the old fuyuhiko joining us for a party but I think I like the new fuyuhiko better.

"That little bitch hiyoko gave me quite the talking to" fuyuhiko groaned "that girl has a lot of nerve talking to a yakusa like that!"

"Well at least you both got it out in the open" I said softly "We can't move forward if we don't say what we're feeling"

"I guess you're right" he looked at his drink with a somber expression "we all need to move on"

Our attention was drawn to the stage by a bright light. In the middle of that light was ibuki's shadow.

"Alright everyone" she yelled into the microphone "let ibuki hear you scream!"

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