A Strange Dream

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Kazuichis pov

I leaned against the fountain with a heavy sign. My name is kazuichi souda and I am a first year in hopes peak. What is hopes peak you may ask? Well if you haven't been living under a rock your whole life you'll have heard of the biggest school in the country, famous for only scouting the most talented teen (unless you could pay your way in) and I managed to get picked.

I watched my classmates go about their daily lives. Sonia was chatting a storm to gundam who politely listened, fuyuhiko was ranting about hiyoko to peko, even the class reject nagito was invited to lunch with chaiki and a kid named*@#@0. I was the only one who hadn't made friends yet but that's ok. I'm better off alone anyway.

I ran a hand through my hair. Hiding my identity was a lot harder than it looked. For one I have to look like I'm a good mechanic which involves constantly building and working with machinery. I have more burns than I care to mention but I'll continue to live this lie cause I refuse to ever be vulnerable around others again-

"Aww you seem kinda miserable" I looked up as a shadow was cast over me. Standing there was a girl with blonde pigtails and a wide grin "maybe I can help"

"Gah!" I jolted awake. That dream. Nothing really happened but yet it's left me terrified. was it a dream? Then who was that girl? She has to be important so why can't I remember!?

My thoughts were cut off by a knock on the door. I brought myself to open the door to see none other than Sonia.

"Souda-san I can't stop thinking about gundam and how he-" her voice caught in her throat.

I gave her a gentle smile "let's take a walk together miss Sonia. As it so happens I need to stop thinking too"

"Really? Alright then let us walk together!" She smiled with tears in her eyes.

And so we left, leaving our cloudy thoughts behind.

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