The Confession

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Kazuichis pov

Nagito had been off. I mean more off than usual. He's been figity and the blush on my face was very obvious on his pale skin. There were times when I thought he was sick but that doesn't seem to be the case. So what is it.

"Kazuichi" I turned around to see nagito with a blush on his cheeks and one hand behind his back "may I have a moment of your time?"

"Of course" I turned to him and nodded. He looked nervous which was unlike him. Now I'm more curious than ever.

"I'm gone back and forth on whether or not I should tell you. After all you deserve so much better than me"

"Nagito what are you-" I was cut off by a rose being shoved in my face.

"I got this for you" he smiled softly "To express my love in a way words cannot"

"It's beautiful" I took the rose with a slight blush. It was pink. My favourite colour. I wonder if he knew that or if he just picked something to match my hair. Either way I appreciate it.

"I know you could do so much better than me but I could never do better than you" he looked up at me with lovestruck eyes "will you do me the honour of dating me?"

"I-" I was starstruck. The Idea that someone could love me seemed like a fantasy. Something that could never happen in the real world and yet it has. It has and it feels wonderful.

I took his hand with a smile "I would love to"

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