Chapter Seventy Eight

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I stood on the rooftop on my own. My lower back didn't hurt anymore, and I wanted to try dancing again.

The only music I had to use was the ones that played in my mind, beyond the ears of the world and beyond the control of others. I felt the cold breeze of the altitude of the building run through my hair and tickle my skin as I sighed.

I rolled my ankles where I stood and stretched my back vaguely and my legs just as lazily. I wasn't expecting this to work in the slightest. My 18th was coming up soon now, it felt like an age since the last time I had had the accident, and x-rays told doctors that, oddly enough, my fractures in my back had healed and I was physically well again, maybe my stamina was non-existent, but it was something that could be fixed with my own effort.

For some reason, I didn't think it was true.

I wanted it to be true, I wanted it to be more than anything in the world.

But it didn't feel real, it felt like some cruel joke by Liam or something. It didn't seem like it was possible that I could return to my own life. That I would ever be able to get back to my old life of dancing or any form of performing. Oddly enough though, I knew I needed to start thinking of something else soon money wise, because I knew it wasn't a very likely field I was going to excel in for the rest of my life. Maybe I'd get into writing...

Either way, my 18th was coming up, and then I'd be a free human being and can be in complete control of my life.

I rocked on my heels as I stood on the rooftop. I became daring enough to approach the edge willingly and looked over the edge.

I was never scared of heights.

As a child I climbed fences, trees and even climbed up the side of a tall rock without so much as a problem. Teachers at my old school had to bribe me to come down and go to class.

But looking over the edge of the building, the ground seemed to become further and further away the longer I stared at it, it was throbbing the longer I stared at it. I felt my heartbeat escalate slightly and I was forced to back away from the railing of the building and heaved a tense sigh. "Come on Katie... what's going on with you...?" I mumbled.

I paced for a few moments, don't let this be the end of you, Katie. This is not the end of me... this is not the end of me.

I forced myself to look out of the building's view and approached the railing once more. I peered down for a few moments, and I had never felt more cautious in my life. But the original throbbing disappeared and I smiled slightly at the distance.

And that ugly looking tree that scaled almost as tall as the building, the tree Andy almost had cut down last year because of the inconvenience of it. Now I thanked its existence because without it, I'd probably had died if it hadn't caught me first.

I let off a laugh as I used the railing as a stretching railing and flicked my leg behind me and managed to catch my ankle at my head height.

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