Chapter Twenty Three

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Over the next few days, I scrolled through the newspaper looking for a possible job. But every job I went to that would allow me an interview, Edgar would intervene before I even had a chance.

That morning wasn't any different. I was looking at a newspaper delivering company when Alex started running frantically down the stairs, nearly falling down them. "Careful, Alex, or you might break your Gameboy," I informed when he stumbled; I knew he was bound to have one in his back pocket or something.

He didn't seem to get my joke and just continued huffing and puffing, he was only on floor two, why was he so puffed out?

He was chanting my name like an excited seven year old as he pulled at my arm like I wasn't paying attention to him. "What is it, Alex?" I asked trying to take my arm back.

He refused to give it to me as I slipped off my stool and jumped with him just to get him to stop. "I got a phone call," he informed.

I nodded, "okay, I'll call the media," I joked as I sat back down on the stool. He looked so disappointed in me for a moment. I sighed as I played along, "okay. Who called you?" I asked leaning forwards in overdramatic interest.

"There was a call from a mini performance centre who have agreed to allow you to audition for some of their performances," he informed.

I didn't know what that meant.

"If you get through the audition you could get paid to perform," he explained.

I blinked several times, "what's the performance?" I asked, I hadn't performed properly for a long time. I missed the idea of being on a stage dancing.

"Something called," he pulled out some paper, "the Shivering Snowflakes."

I've never heard of them. He explained it further, saying it was some sort of winter story for little animals in a forest and the hardships within it. It was a ballerina production and they seemed interested in my skills and offered me an audition.

"Can I say you've said yes?" he asked hopefully.

I knew I didn't really have a choice here. I needed money and he needed someone to be his client and this would probably look good for him. I nodded, "of course," I replied smiling.

He whooped and pulled out the most hi-tech phone I've ever seen. Half way through typing his eyes caught something on the counter, "I didn't think you smoked," he stated gesturing to a pack of smokes next to my newspaper.

I smirked, "they're Liam's."

"How did you get them?" Alex asked.

I pushed them off the counter and they fell into the bin, "he keeps his balcony doors unlocked in the morning."


I didn't hate school.

But I didn't love it either.

I didn't like being little, being little meant bigger people could pick on me. Especially people from the High School in the afternoons, and if I was really unlucky my class would have to do sports at the same time some of the High Schoolers did their sport classes.

Today was that unlucky day.

My class had to do sport, we were doing gymnastic stuff like the High Schoolers, and some of the High School classes were in the gymnasium as well.

We were doing forwards rolls and mini trampolines, meanwhile the girl's seemed to be doing cheerleader work and guys were doing weight based stuff.

It wasn't long before one of the taller boys from year 11 head locked me and noogied me, it wasn't just me they picked on, and other boys got noogied or nudged about. When I managed to release my hold I looked over to some of the older girls. They were being show offs. Girls were doing cartwheel after cartwheel or doing the splits or throwing each other in the air.

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