Chapter Six

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Booker POV:

There was a loud knock on my door. "I'll get it!" Adam yelled.

I watched as he ran from one side of the apartment to the other. He seemed a bit happier than yesterday, I remember how yesterday he asked to move schools, threatened to run away and move back in with Mum on the other side of town.

Today, he hasn't done any of those things.

Hasn't even mentioned his Mum or wanting to run away...

"Daddy!" he called.

I looked up from my laptop and saw he was holding some sort of bag tied with a ribbon. "Who's it from?" I asked.

He looked at what looked like a tag and smiled, "it's from Katie!" he exclaimed happily, he plonked them on the coffee table in front of me and undid the ribbon, it opened up with a stack of brownies, some of them squashed, but brownies nevertheless. He seemed as happy as he exclaimed in joy, "she remembered!" he exclaimed laughing and clapping.

"Remembered what, Adam?" I asked putting the laptop next to me.

"She said she would make me brownies when she made them," he informed eating one, "they're very sweet."

I couldn't help but smile as I looked at the card, I remembered how I snapped at her in the Main Room, I was probably a bit over the top, but I needed to make sure she got that. By the look of it she's already had an impact on Adam, and all she did was walk him home. She was a beautiful young girl though, and seemed cheerful and odd; I see why Adam likes her.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't like her either. I read the tag;

To Booker and Adam

I hope to see you each at the party tonight J

And I knew I would remember, Adam.

I'll keep my promise, Booker

Katie O'brannel, floor four


Cassidy POV:

I heard Adam screaming with delight, I opened the door the same as him and he seemed more then excited about the bag that he didn't even see me. I knew who it was straight away because I saw Katie racing down the stairs.

She liked giving, but never receiving praise at the same time she gave.

It apparently made her feel weird.

That just made her more sweeter as I looked at the tag attached, telling me she'd see me at the party tonight and to enjoy the brownies.

I smiled as I undid the ribbon and I was greeted with the smell of chocolate. I smiled as I retreated back into my room to munch on them while I worked.


Liam POV:

I jumped when I heard the knock. I was staring at my photos and I nearly ripped it down the middle.

I was grouchy, I knew this much. People were so annoying, they always seemed to be out to ruin my photos or to distract me from my ideas of photography, and either that or they would always try and change them with their own stupid ideas.

This is why I don't take pictures of people!

I pushed my cigarette into the ashtray and stomped over to the door and opened the doors angrily, "what?" I snapped at whoever was there. I blushed slightly when nobody was there. A shiver was sent down my spine as the cool air hit my bare chest. I sometimes forget to wear shirts, I'm from a warmer climate, and shirts were normally overrated.

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