Chapter 1

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Y/n tottered alone in her home, a small pendant and chain in hand. It was burnt and crumbling apart, but the small girl didn't stop. She was determined to reach the door. The dragons had gone, so it was save to return outside. Stumbling on her own two feet, she made it to the door. The screams that had filled her tiny ears had finally vanished.

Pushing it open, she found two large men standing before her looking relieved to see her. Reaching her hands up, the blonde man lifted her. Y/n clung to the chain and pendant. In response, the man carefully put the thin, delicate chain around her neck. She still hadn't released the pendant.

"You alright lass? Where be your mother?"

Y/n tilted her head and peaked over the man's shoulder, ignoring him completely. Fires were being put out as a small boy with ruffled brown hair tried to help. His small size and stature allowed for little help and more trouble, but no one said such for his heart was in the right place.

Squirming, Y/n was let back down. Approaching the small boy, she did her best to help as well, pendant finally leaving her small hands. She didn't fully comprehend what had happened, and she wouldn't until she was much older.

"That was too close Gobber," the chief muttered. "And, her mother. Stubborn fool."

Gobber noted the pain in his chiefs voice. They both saw her taken in the clutches of one of the dragons, body limp. Gobber sighed and looked back at the small girl doing her best to help.

"She's a tough lass, but I agree. She be in with one of us, or Gothi instead of Athena's hut," Gobber agreed. "Stoick, I think she bein' with you is the better option."

The chief stood and thought and gave a nod. So, after the fires were out and repairs made, Stoick had Y/n belongs moved in across from his son room. The day after, Stoick took down Athena's hut with a hallow sadness filling his insides farther. Not even the roots of her hut remained.

°•○●Seven Years Old●○•°

Y/n smiled with a mischievous glint in her eye. Hiccup next to her, looking rather unsure. Just as their first pair of victims walked under the trap, Y/n had set with Hiccup's help, she pulled the cord.


"What the?"

Snow had fallen on top of none other than Stoick and Gobber. Y/n toppled over with laugher as Hiccup couldn't help but snigger along. Stoick and Gobber both smile seeing the pair as they brushed the snow and ice from their hair and shoulders.

"Got us good didn't you laddies?" Gobber asked, stepping unevenlying over.

"Sure did Uncle Gobber," Y/n cackled.

"Who's idea was it?" Stoick asked, a glint of mischievous in his gaze.

Hiccup was quick to point to Y/n who glared at him.

"You helped," Y/n quickly put in, glaring at her friend.

"Did not!" Hiccup denied.

"Did so!"

"Did not!"

As the two kept bickering, they were unaware of Stoick making a large snowball. It was too late when he dropped it. Y/n jumped and shook herself as Hiccup had shuddered standing up.

"Dad!" Hiccup cried as Stoick's booming laugher filled the air.

Y/n narrowed her eyes and made a small snowball. Balling it up, she threw hitting Stoick in the brow. Gobber was laughing now with Hiccup and Stoick following after. Before long, the entire village had joined in the childish fun. Everyone laughing and consumed in their battle of snowballs, Y/n tugged Hiccup behind a house as a few flew by.

Two Misfits (Hiccup x Reader) RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now