Chapter 24

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Y/n had woken up and stretched popping her back and joints.

"That sounded like it felt good," Koby smiled.

Y/n smiled back and stifled a yawn. Popping her neck, Y/n let out a breath of relief.

"Ah, I did."

Koby chuckled as Liu slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes. D/n snorted and walked over to Liu and nudged him. Y/n chuckled as Moonstone snapped warning at D/n as Liu groaned glaring at her dragon.

"D/n, come here," Y/n chuckled. "Such a troublesome dragon."

D/n growled before turned away from her with a puff. Y/n laughed and got off her pelt and moved to the edge of the cliff where Haggard sat. Koby only stayed back to clean up the cave as Liu slowly woke up.

"So, what's first on the list?" Y/n asked softly.

Haggard looked to her with a amused look.

"Well first things first. Rustling up so grub. Can't work on a empty stomach," Haggard grinned.

Just a second later did Haggards dragon return with fish poking out of it's mouth. As Haggard took the fish to cook them, Liu walked over to help. Y/n smiled at them before seating herself on the edge of the cliffside, eyes on the horizon. She worried about Cherry. Seeing Y/n alone, Koby left the cave to sit with her as D/n decided to fly out of the cave. Y/n ducked as her dragon flew over her, roaring as he did.

"You okay?" Koby asked quietly as he sat next to her.

Y/n turned and offered Koby a smile.

"Yeah, I'm just worried about Cherry."

Koby slowly nodded. Hearing laughter behind them, Y/n and Koby turned to find Liu trying to put out the fish before it was burnt to a crisp as Haggard laughed. Y/n and Koby chuckled lightly before looking back out to the skyline.

"You know, Cherry has done missions like this before," Koby smiled. "She is forced to go to the island regularly for her coco beans. Salem doesn't really like anyone else going when he knows fully well she can get them herself."

Y/n noticed Koby sparing her glances before looking back to Haggard. It seemed something had been bothering Koby, but Y/n wasn't sure what.

"You okay?" Y/n asked gently.

Koby choked on the air and started coughing. Everyone looked to Koby as he tried to breath again. Y/n patted his back slightly as Koby caught his breath. Koby glanced to Y/n to find worry. He was hyperaware of her presence and the care she had.

"I-I'm okay," Koby took a breath. "I'm sorry. I just.."

Y/n and Liu noticed Koby's shift in additude.

"Just what?" Liu asked slowly.

Koby noticed Liu held no ill will in his eyes like many he had seen. Haggard though looked indifferent. Koby knew Haggard didn't care, but it seemed Y/n and Liu did. Koby felt his chest ache as the thought of them only caring because they didn't know what he has done.

"It's nothing. I'm fine," Koby smiled, but his eyes weren't convincing. "Really, your question just caught me off gaurd is all."

Koby felt nervous when Y/n looked even more concerned as Liu looking even more confused. He could tell they weren't convinced. Koby felt his fight or flight kicking in as Y/n watched him worriedily.

"Has no one asked that before?" Y/n voice held concern.

Koby flinched and looked away. Liu set the fish down and walked over, Moonstone watching curiously.

Two Misfits (Hiccup x Reader) RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now