Chapter 18

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Snoggletog. It couldn't have been anymore perfect. The dragons, with their hatchlings, had returned. Toothless had returned with Hiccup's helmet. Salem and Cherry had returned with gifts. Ashaw was more than thrilled to have his older brother around. It was a amazing site to see Ashaw and Cherry weren't bickering and were actually laughing. It was perfect, or it would be if Y/n wasn't leaving tomorrow.

Liu plopped down next to Y/n, mead in one hand, a plate food in the other. Chicken legs and wings, yak strips, bread, beets, potatoes, corn, and thick slices of ham. Y/n gave a snort.

"Hungry are we?"

"This is for the both of us since you didn't grab a plate," Liu commented. "Oh and if you want something to drink, your getting your own cup of mead or Cherry's hot coco drink. Probably be better since your only what? Fifteen? Sixteen?"

Y/n scoffed.

"And your only seventeen. I don't think you should be drinking that stuff," Y/n retorted.

Liu smirked and wafted the mug under her nose. Y/n scrunched her nose and shook her head, carefully shoving the mug back to him. She wasn't feeling too hungry knowing she was going to leave. The carefully wrapped gift she made for Hiccup still sat in her lap. Liu had suggested it, along with the surprise they had left in the cove for the gang. Liu and Y/n were both grateful for Ashaw for his help.

Y/n sighed and slumped. She didn't want to leave Berk. She hardly care about her heritage or her culture. She was raised on Berk the day after her birth. She may as well be a one of them. But the glint of her pendant told her she wasn't. Y/n frowned at it. It was the only thing she had left of her mothers.

Liu noticed Y/n looked solemn and set the bread he was eating aside. Liu felt a bit of irritation. Mostly because this was Snoggletog. They had planned the gifts out. Had already talked to Stoick about Hiccup visiting on occasion. To him, Y/n shouldn't be very worried or upset. This move wasn't forever, or the end of the world. If only to make it easier, Hiccup would be visiting and Ashaw agreed to let them visit Berk when they wanted.

"It's Snoggletog. Your usually very happy on Snoggletog," Liu whispered as a few vikings pasted with cheer in their voices. "What's on your mind this time? I have a good guess, but enlighten me."

Y/n sighed and looked to Liu. She noted the irritation, and she shrugged it off. Even she was tired of this unsettling feeling of leaving. She wasn't even sure how he was even okay with leaving. Especially now that he and Astrid were closer than ever.

"I just.. I don't want to leave Berk," Y/n caved. "This is home to me. Berk is home. Not were Salem and Ashaw came from. Just because I was born there, or just because they are my brothers, doesn't mean that place is home."

Liu blinked and turned back to his food. Y/n made that arguement so often, Liu wondered who she was trying to convince.

"We've been over it so many times Y/n. Salem had just said you didn't have to go," Liu reminded. "It was recommended to befit you, and it's only for a year."

"Is that why your leaving?" Y/n shot back. "For the befit?"

Liu poked at his food. He wasn't sure how to feel about leaving himself. Liu knew he didn't have a real interest in leaving Berk, but he also wasn't willing to part with Y/n. He was only quick to squeeze into Salem and Ashaw's good gracious so he could be with Y/n to learn about the culture they missed out on. He wanted to stay close to Y/n, even if it meant leaving Berk.

But the biggest reasoning for Liu to follow Y/n was because Y/n wouldn't ever leave him behind like Astrid had years ago over something he couldn't control. The Flightmare accident wasn't within his control. Even so, he wouldn't ever tell Y/n the truth on why he wanted to leave. It was bad enough that she was so conflicted. It was making it harder for Liu because this was his escape goat to be away the next time the Flightmare showed.

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