Chapter 8

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Toothless launched himself in the air. Astrid's scream had made Y/n smirk. Liu walked under the flying pair, eyes holding worry. Y/n noticed.

"Calm down. She'll be fine," Y/n smiled. "Hiccup won't let anything happen to her. We both know that much."

Liu sighed and looked back to Y/n. His hazel eyes held a worrying look. Y/n patted his arm.

"I promise. She'll be fine," Y/n assured.

"But are you going to be fine?"

Y/n blinked and looked back up to the sky seeing Toothless had flown off somewhere.

"Why wouldn't I?" Y/n asked, her gaze going back to Liu's. "It's not like something bad will happen. I trust Toothless."

Liu sighed and shook his head.

"I mean if she comes clean about her feelings?" Liu started. "Let's face it. If this goes right, Astrid may as well grow fonder of him over an experience I can't even comprehend."

Y/n blinked, feeling something cold slide down her spine.

"I mean, flying on a dragon. Getting a birds eye view. It must be a whole new world to be able to ride one," Liu continued. "And on a nightfury no less. I take it is the one you two let go?"

Y/n gave a slow nod as she realized what her and Hiccup shared was now being shared with Astrid. And it was Hiccup showing it to her.

"You know. Maybe it's for the best Hiccup does show Astrid. She is a resilient person, and as you said, she likes him. If he can get threw to her, he can get this idea threw the others as well," Y/n forced a tight smiled and paused looking back at Liu. "You seemed more relaxed about all of this."

Liu shrugged and sat down. Y/n followed suit. It was quiet for a moment as Liu choice his next words carefully.

"Well you see, I've be defensive from the start. If the dragon was showing no harm to me or the people, why bother?" Liu question to himself more than anything. "I'm not a trophy hunter. I don't like the sport if killing, but if I'm needed to raise my hand, I will."

Y/n thought back on it. On Liu. Not once could they recall him actually killing a dragon. Fought several, but didn't kill them. Injured, but Y/n couldn't recall him fighting them outside of the village like Stoick and the others have.

"You know, Stoick isn't going to be happy," Liu muttered staring at the sky. "You two befriending a nightfury. His own son. The mere thought is just baffling. I wouldn'thave believed you guys if I hadn'tjust seen it."

Y/n felt herself tense. Stoick would be unhappy, and a lot harder to convince. Liu noticed her uneasiness and sighed. Y/n stared at him and spoke with hope.

"We can show him. Everyone, that dragons aren't what they seem. End the bloodshed. After all, you and Astrid have already witnessed it," Y/n insured. "He'll understand."

Liu smiled with a doubtful look in his eyes, and went to speak. Before he could utter a word, a screech had stopped him. Y/n and Liu turned looking around. The screech sounded again, but closer. Birds had flown from trees as loud thud sounded. A tree cracking and crashing sounded. A loud caw like nosie sounded as another tree crashed.

Y/n and Liu shared a look and headed for the exit out of the cove. Climbing out of the cove with ease, Y/n headed for the commotion as Liu turned for the village.

"What are you doing?" Liu hissed. "Clearly those dragons are having it out."

"But it sounded like Toothless. What if Hiccup and Astrid need help?" Y/n reasoned. "I don't know about you, but that sounded like a nightfury."

Two Misfits (Hiccup x Reader) RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now