Chapter 9

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After Gothi patched Y/n up properly, Hiccup went to say something.


She was already walking home. Frustrated, Hiccup quickly caught up. The injury, although minor in comparison to what the raids caused, was still bad. Liu did stop the bleeding, which Hiccup was happy about, but he still curious on how Y/n got it in the first place. It did, as Gothi put it, look like a dragon bite.

"Y/n, come on. What happened? It wasn't Liu's fault was it?" Hiccup asked wondering if Liu upset the dragon prior to the wound Y/n received. "I mean, he didn't upset the dragon that got you right?"

Y/n kept her pace, not slowing in the slightest. Irritated bubbled in her. She just wanted to rest and forget what happened in the cove. 


"Then what happened? Astrid and I fly off and you ended getting injured with Liu watching you," Hiccup griped keeping pace now, irration riding in his own voice. "Y/n your usually open with me. What's going on?"

Y/n paused and turned on him. Hiccup stumbled back, but kept his footing. They were at the threshold of the hut now.

"I'm fine, so why does it matter?"

Hiccup narrowed his eyes. Why does it matter? Hiccup felt something in him snap.

"Because we're friends. At the area, you stood up for me. When I was in danger, you came to help," Hiccup started, taking hold of her hand so she didn't run. "You broke Astrid's axe so I could talk to her. On several occasions I might add. You stood up to the kids that bullies us. You've helped in the blacksmith and healed any of the minor injuries I had. You've always been there for me even when no one else was. Even now, your still here. I care about you. So please, let me help you."

Y/n stood, slightly stunned by his words. Her irritation turned into a hollow ache of guilt and anguish. What could she say. She tried to pull away, but Hiccup kept his grip on her. He didn't want to let go. He didn't want her to go.

"Hiccup.. I..," Y/n choked before quickly switching topics. "I.. what about Astrid? Seemed like the flight with her went well. Her show of affection and your expression back at the cove seemed to suggest it."

Y/n's eyes where low as her tone seem to rise when she mentioned Astrid, irritation returning. Hiccup noticed and frown, glaring at the ground as he released her. Why was she denying me because of Astrid? It was her that made a move, not me. Why even bring her up? We're friends, so why avoid the topic? He knew right then he didn't like the word friend. Atleast not with Y/n. He also wasn't sure how to feel as he did feel a spark with Astrid. Hiccup wondered if he set the spark between him and Y/n would be stronger than the one Astrid had flickered in him.

"Why are you avoiding the topic? If we're friends, then we shouldn't be lying to one another.. or avoiding each other."

Y/n sighed and slumped her shoulders. She didn't know why, but she wanted to run and hide. To cry and scream, to just get out of the situation. Her emotions swirled to what seemed to be endless.

"Y/n, your my friend and I love you," Hiccup's voice was quieter now. "Please. I just want to know what happened."

Hiccup couldn't be serious about what he said could he? Y/n bit her lip. Even if he was serious.. we can't. I can't. I'm not fit for... Y/n trembled. Oh gods help me..

"Because you've done a lot for me already too. Your still here. You haven't left me," Y/n whispered, her eyes burning. "You help me just as much as I help you Hiccup. It's just what we do. What we have been doing because that's what friends do for each other. I just.. don't want to talk about it right now."

Two Misfits (Hiccup x Reader) RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now