Chapter 19

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Hiccup and his friends woke early to watch Liu, Y/n, her family off. Needless to say, they were surprised to see more vikings mounting dragons to leave. Most of the foreigners were leaving. Everyone except Liu's parents, and those who had made relations with the Berkins here.

"Atleast you'll have familiar faces when you go," Astrid grinned lightly.

Y/n and Liu turned and grinned silently.

"Although true, I will miss see you all everyday," Liu grinned, his eyes held a sorrow. "But this experience will do us good, and it won't be forever either."

"I promise to visit," Y/n smiled lightly before pulling Hiccup into a hug. "I love you."

Hiccup held her tighter whispering back.

"Love you too," Hiccup reluctantly pulled away. "We'll see you both soon."

Liu nodded and glanced over to his parents. They hadn't approached him or said goodbye. Liu shook his head and smiled back to his friends. He'd never admit to how much it hurt sometimes to not be acknowledged.

"Don't have too much fun without us," Liu grinned as he mounted Moonstone. "And Ruff? Tuff? Don't burn down Berk."

"No promises!" The twins exclaimed.

Y/n spared Hiccup one last glance as she mounted D/n. Toothless rumbled and nuzzled Y/n lightly before nudging D/n. D/n snorted and lightly placed his paw to Toothless chest, shoving him lightly with a amused rumbled. Toothless gave a gummy smile and gentle batted at D/n's nose. Y/n smiled before turning to Astrid.

"Hey Astrid, I left one last gift for you. It's under your bed," Y/n smiled.

Everyone glanced at her, but didn't get a chance to question her.

"Alright everyone, we're heading out," Salem's voice carried around them.

A choruses of bye had rang from the Berkins and those who where leaving. Toothless roared in response, and D/n returned it. It wasn't long before they were out of sight. Toothless grumbled and laid in the grass, staring off into the distance. He was going to miss Y/n and D/n. Even if D/n got on his nerves sometimes.

"Should we see what Y/n left Astrid?" Tuffnut asked, a mischievous grin on his face.

"I'm curious why she left Astrid something and not Hiccup," Ruffnut grinned as well. "Makes you wonder what it is."

Without a word, everyone headed to Astrid's house. Wether she'd admit it or not, Astrid was curious herself. Making to the hut, and heading straight for her room, Astrid was quick to grab the wrapped item that was carefully placed under her bed.

The twins pouted lightly when she grab it, but were quick to encourage her to open it.

"Open it! Open it!" The chanted.

"Guys, if she wants to open it she will," Fishlegs interjected.

Astrid shot Fishlegs an small smile as a thank you before looking back to the item. Astrid deduced it was a book judging by the shape and size. Carefully, with slightly hesitation, Astrid ripped away the wrapping. Her eyes grew. It was Liu's journal.

"No way," Snoutlout muttered. "We get to see it too right?"

Astrid glared at him.

"Guys, Y/n gave it to Astrid for a reason," Hiccup interjected. "What she does with it is up to her."

"Thank you Hiccup," Astrid grinned lightly, aware of the small blush on his cheeks.

Astrid looked down at the book again and decided she'd look into it later. For now, she just wanted to be with her friends and Stormfly.

Two Misfits (Hiccup x Reader) RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now