Chapter 15

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Y/n shook her head lightly as Cherry and Ashaw had bickered over what was a better backup weapon in battle. Liu sighed and sat next to Y/n knowing that training was over. Once the two started bickering, it wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"What's going on here?"

Y/n turned to see Hiccup approaching them, Astrid with him. They had, with the rest of their rag tag team of riders, aidded Gobber in finding the Boneknapper just the other day. Y/n and Liu would have joined if not for their training. Ashaw was very keen on spending time with Y/n and Liu had clung near Y/n more so than not.

As their riders approached the scene, Stormfly and Toothless were quick to greet D/n and Moonstone. As Hiccup and Astrid sat next to Y/n and Liu, the dragons had quickly gotten involved in a game of chase.

"They are arguing what's the best weapon to use as backup in battle is," Liu stretched, popping his back. "Cherry claims her throwing knifes where the best weapon to have while Ashaw believes a bow is better in said scenario."

"They've been arguing for ten minutes, and this is just the beginning of it," Y/n sighed shaking her head. "Normal Salem would break them up, but alas he isn't here. So we get to listen to the... debate."

Hiccup and Astrid both nodded and looked at the bickering pair. It was slightly amusing to watch such a small woman picking a fight with someone so much taller than she was.

"You'd think they were an old married couple," Astrid remarked.

Ashaw and Cherry frozen and turned to them. Liu and Astrid held in a laugh at their red faces. Hiccup and Y/n weren't able to help but giggle at them.

"We do not!" They snapped in sync.

Cherry and Ashaw shot one another a look. The four young teens snickered as they fumed at one another again.

"I say, what has you two bickering?" Stoick's deep voice sounded from the other side of the area.

Ashaw and Cherry paused and looked up towards Stoick.

"Ah good, you can settle this debate," Ashaw spoke with a tight grin. "When in battle, is a bow or throwing knifes good to have as a back up weapon."

Stoick blinked. Both stared expectantly at him. Childlike eyes waiting the parent to tell them who was right.

"Neither. You'll run out of both if you have already lost your main weapon of choice."

The four young teens snickered as Cherry and Ashaw shared a look. They only started to laugh harder when they started defending their choice.

"Come on, it'll be awhile before they are done," Liu whispered, his laugher dying down.

Nodding, the four mounted their dragons, and took to the skys. Liu and Y/n, feeling much better that they were away from the bickering two, had gave thrilled laughter as their dragons had twirled threw the air. Stormfly snorted and gave a sound similar to a chuckle. Toothless had only purred in amusement.

"Hey, what do you guys say to bringing the whole group to the arena for a game?" Liu smirked.

"What kind of game?" Hiccup asked.

Y/n noticed the look in Liu's eyes and knew exactly what he was wanting to do.

"It's a surprise. Meet Y/n and I there with everyone else!" Liu called flying off.

Y/n shrugged to the pair and followed after him. Hiccup and Astrid watching in amusement as Y/n spun over Liu before darting ahead.

"Have they always been that close?" Astrid asked.

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