Chapter 3

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-Emi's POV-

gosh i'm still sleepy. But i have to get up, i need to be early in school. We are going to have an entrance exam in every university in country and even universities in foreign countries that offer scholarships for incoming college students. okay emi get up!!

after an hour of doing my daily routine, i headed to school.



"Emi!" oh Kate's here.

"ready for the exams?" kate asked.

"not really, i'm nervous, u think i can do it?" i answered.

"of course you are gonna make it! believe in yourself coz i am! this is our dream right?" she said to me to inspire me. well it did work.

"yeah! hwaiting! we both cheered ourselves.

well me and kate are the only ones who are really avid fans of Kpop, some of our friends are just normal fans but its okay, we get along really well.

so this is it! the start of exams. There are 3 universities in Korea that offers scholarship for foreign students. Kate and i decided to take the exams in these universities. it might be kinda impossible to pass but who knows? there's no harm in trying right? hehe. hwaiting for us!

-Kate's POV-

Emi and I have been praying so hard to pass the exams. we don't care about the other universities but we do care about those 3 universities in Korea. I hope we pass in even just one university in there. I hope Emi and I would still be in the same university. I'm not used of not having Emi around. She's my bestfriend. I think things would be totally different without her.

sooo here it is....



in class:

-Emi's POV-

"Goodmorning class!" our teacher greeted us.

"Well today is the day when i am going to announce the passers of the university exams, i will first call the passers of Harvard University. okay so let's start:"

our teacher had been calling names already. Kate and i both know that we aren't going to pass in Harvard University. like duh my brain's not gonna make it. So i didn't pay attention at all. Kate and I are gonna listen when he starts calling the passers of the universities in Korea. So we're gonna chitchat a little bit.










"For Korea National University passers we have:"

oh my gosh this is it!!! gonna keep my fingers crossed.. i hope we make it.

"Kate Sy"

"Yes!!! i made it!! Emi i made it!!" Kate's very happy . Congrats she made it.

"Congrats u made it Kate!" i answered

i didn't pay much attention to the other names. all i heard was Kate's name being called. She made it!! She' going to Korea! but how about me?

"Okay for the passers of Seoul Institute of the Arts we have:"

oh my gosh. my name's still not being called.. i'm gonna cry... gosh i feel so bad now..

"And lastly for the passers of Seoul National University we have"

oh my gosh... 1st name not me, 2nd still not me, 3rd still not me.. 4th still not me. i almost cried. i'm actually hurt. I didn't make it.

"And lastly, Emi Chi! Congratulations passers! And that would be all for today."

"Emi you made it!!! We both made it!!!! Can u believe that??!!" " Hey Emi im talking to you" ..... "...." "hey!"

"uh yeah i just cant believe we made it. i almost cried tho. u see?" i said "yeah i was beginning to feel sad when i thought your name is not going to be called but guess what u made it!!! we should celebrate Emi!"

"Yeah we should. imagine, we're gonna study in Korea!! But hey how about the other guys?" i asked

"well jess made it to Harvard! He's so awesome! Xin made it to Australia, Jen made it to Japan, and we made it to Korea!!!" Kate answered happily and we both hugged. Yeah this actually calls for a celebration. Me and my friends decided to stop at a resto that cooks our favorite. We are regular customers here. But i became sad on the thought that we're gonna miss this resto when we study abroad.

We had a lot of fun until night. We were laughing, singing, and talked about our future plans. Well me and Kate know what we wanted. We'd be closer to our dreams, BTS. <3

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