Chapter 62

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A/N hey guys!! Who ships VKook here? I do! Haha! But in this fanfic we ship EmKook and VKate. Hahaha! ●﹏● keep on voting. Kamsa!

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-Emi's POV-

All of us are enjoying this little party. We kept on eating, laughing, and we're having a good time.

"Emi come with me" Kate whispered from my back, I looked at Jungkook and he nodded. I noticed Jungkook and Taehyung look at each other and I think they were curious why we're going to bathroom at the same time.

Kate held my hand and she's in a hurry. I think something happened while she was at the balcony with V.

"Emi, please help me"

"Help you with what?"

"We kissed"

"What??!! Are you dating already?!!"

"No, he just kissed me, you know that I like him so I just let him do that"

"Wow. Seriously, explain the whole thing" I told her and she then explained everything.

"Kate, you're afraid to date him because of me huh?"

"Yeah, you're a strong girl Emi, but I'm not. I wish I was strong as you are but damn I'm not. You can handle that pain but I can't. Well it's not only me whose gonna get hurt but also V. Remember when you once told me that you noticed Jungkook's hand was swolen?? "

"Kate listen, Yeah I remember, I knew he had been punching the walls, but he denied it. I know that because my brother did that once, he kept on punching the wall, and Jungkook had the exact same bruise on his hand just as my brother's . But Kate, for once follow your heart, you might get hurt, well that's fine. Getting hurt is a part of falling in love. Atleast you followed your heart and you had the chance to be happy with the one you love. I took the risk not because I'm strong, but because I love him. I'm not strong Kate, but I have to be strong because I love him."

When I said that, Kate got silent. She was thinking things out.

"If I give him the chance now, do you think we'll work out?" She asked

"You said he told you he was willing to make things work, then I'm sure you guys will" I assured her and we both hugged.

"Hey, why are you both taking so long?" Jungkook asked while knocking on the bathroom door.

I opened the door for us to come out but I heard V's voice

"Kookie! Manager's here!!"

And Jungkook pushed us lightly back inside the bathroom and closed the door.

Kate and I looked at each other and we both know what that meant

Their manager's here and he must not know that we're here.

Indeed, we are secrets they have to hide.

It hurts.

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