Chapter 14

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-Jungkook's POV-

"Kookie we need to talk" Rapmon hyung approached me. Now i'm nervous. He was the only one sleeping in the living room couch last night. Did he know I sneaked out?

"Where were you last night? I know I don't have the right to interfere with your personal matters but, I was awake when you opened the door last night. I was worried. And aside from worrying, I can't believe you're sneaking out now." Darn is he mad? should I just tell him the truth? It's impossible to keep this a secret from him. He caught me.

"Hyung. I... I... I went to Emi's apartment last night. I visited her" I told him the truth but I couldn't look at him in the eyes.

"Kookie, I thought you already knew how dangerous it would be walking around the city and seeing a girl. You're risking your career. Just one sasaeng fan kookie, just one sasaeng fan finds out about this, you'd be dead. Not just you kookie, including Emi. Not just you and Emi, including us, the whole BTS. You know we all worked hard to be where we are now. Please be careful with your actions." Rapmon explained . I know he's not mad instead he just wants me to understand the consequences and the possibilities.

"Hyung I'm sorry. I just couldn't calm myself down from worrying why she's gotten so skinny and stressed lately and.." He didn't let me finish with what I was saying

"So you sneaked out even before last night??? How many times have you been sneaking out Jeon Jungkook?"

"Just twice hyung. I promise I was being careful. I covered my face and there are no people outside her apartment everynight. Hyung I'm sorry" I explained. Now I feel guilty. But I don't regret sneaking out to check on Emi. Why is that?

"Jeon Jungkook, you've grown up a lot" He said as his mood changed from a worried look to an unexplainable look.

"Remember when you were younger, you used to say you don't have other things going on in your mind aside from the dream of being a very popular artist. You even said once in American Hustle Life that you don't wanna get married. But now look at you. Sneaking out for a girl you're so worried about." He told me. Yeah he's right. I used to say those things before especially when we just debuted.

"Hyung..I.." I'm speechless. I don't know what to say.

"I'm not mad at you Kookie. In fact I'm fascinated because finally you knew how to care" Yeah . since I met Emi.

"Kookie, I don't want to tolerate you, but It doesn't also mean I'm against you and Emi, It' just, I'm worried. This is a very big deal. You know what sasaeng fans can do right? Kookie , whatever you do, PLEASE BE CAREFUL. PLEASE." Now I say rapmon hyung is the best leader in the world. He understands how I feel and at the same time tells me all the possibilities with my every action.

"Kookie I'm here for you okay? BTS is here for you, now go and clean yourself. We have a busy schedule. On april 30 we'll be on Mnet Countdown, so we're gonna rehearse, now go. Put aside those thoughts for now. We can talk about that when we have time" He patted my shoulder and left.

He's right.


How come I just can't simply leave Emi alone? I know it's right thing to do, but I know doing it wouldn't feel right.

What do I have to do?

I can't just forget all about Emi, but seeing her would make things complicated, not just for me, but also for her, and for the whole BTS.

What should I do now?

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