Chapter 51

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-Emi's POV-

I'm at school right now. We have our vacant time. I'm just reviewing my lessons a little while drinking milk. Well Jungkook instructed me to always drink milk because it's good for my health. And speaking of Jungkook, our relationship is working. It's just....

Somehow I feel sad.

I understand everything! I don't even complain! I'm contented with just being his girlfriend that he's keeping from the public. I'm fine with that. But still it hurts sometimes. He can't be proud of me and tell the whole world that he loves me!

I know I'm lucky enough to be his girlfriend. But this is what it takes to be his girl. Inside me, I want more than being a girl that he has to keep inside an apartment room. I cry a lot these days. Even Hyunsik knew about us. I tried to keep our relationship from him but I failed. He caught me.


"Emi!! What happened to you?!! Why were you crying?!" Oh shoot! He caught me!

"Oh yeah. It's just, I'm worried about my grades. I think I'm gonna fail" I ied

"Stop the lies Emi! You're one of the top students this semester!! Tell me truth!"

I don't know what to say. I can't reason out another lie anymore. I kept quiet

"Is it about Jungkook?" What? How the heck did he know????

"Emi I know. Don't worry it's not obvious at all. I just noticed because we hang out a lot" he assured me. I thought it was obvious. I'm dead meat if that happens.

I can't lie anymore. I have to let it all out!

"What do I do?" I asked while sobbing

"If you love him that much, then you have to be strong, I know he's trying to be strong for you too, he loves you" somehow I felt relief with what he said

"Thanks Hyunsik. Thanks a lot"

"No worries. Now stop crying, Jungkook would be upset if he sees you like that"

*end of flashback*

I love Jungkook. That's why I should be more understanding and I should stop overthinking. In that way our relationship would work..

I'm already at my apartment now. Just writing some school stuffs.

*knock knock*

Who could that be?

I peeped in the peep hole to see who it was. I sighed because I felt a little disappointment because I was expecting Jungkook. I opened the door and went outside.

"Emi I'm so sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I just have to return this book earlier and you probably need it now for our reporting tomorrow"

"Oh right! I totally I forgot. Thanks a lot for reminding and thanks for this"

"Yeah yeah. By the way are you okay now?"

"Yeah Hyunsik. Thanks. And you were right"

"Awwee! Lemme give you a power hug! Hwaiting sistah!" He said and later broked the hug

And he left.

I was about to get inside my room but a bouquet of flowers in the trashcan caught my attention. I just brushed it off and went inside

-Jungkook's POV-

I tried my best to sneak out tonight. I haven't seen Emi for days and I miss her so much. I'm sure she misses me too and I have to make it up to her. I brought a bouquet of flowers on my way there. Thanks to Jimin hyung again for helping me to make this relationship work as always

I quickly covered my face and got out of the car. I was so excited to see her.

I was about to go to her but stopped when I saw her....

With a guy, embracing her so tight.

Who is that guy?!! Could that be the one she says was her classmate?? Did they really have to hug? Hug that tight?!?! Now I'm pissed!!

I did my best to sneak out tonight!! I took risk but this is what I get??!! Maybe she has found someone better because I can't make enough time for her! Maybe she has realized that there are some other guys who can take her out to dates!! Damn!!!! Just damn it!!!

I threw the bouquet of flowers in the trash can and left .

Thanks for making me jealous Emi!!

It worked!!

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