Chapter 58

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A/N hey guys! Sorry i wasn't able to update for days. I was busy and i was not feeling well. I hope you don't give up on reading this and please keep on voting. Loveyou! ♥♡♥♡

-Jungkook's POV-

Our schedule is so busy. We won several times With our I NEED U performance. I was happy about that. I think our hard works had paid off.

Emi got out of the hospital a few days ago. I even visited her the night when she was just discharged from the hospital. We spent time together. For once I brought food for her. Since I can't easily buy food outside, I asked Jin hyung to cook food for Emi. The hyungs supported a lot now with my relationship with Emi. Jin hyung even drove for me that night on my way to Seoul Star .

I fed her. I took care of her. I was so happy because I got to spend time with her but deep inside me, I've always wanted to do things for her more than that.

As a boyfriend, I would like to take my girlfriend to places. Like Namsan Tower. I wanted to show her the things that I can do for her. I want to make her feel special. To make her feel that she's the only girl I see.



Well as usual after taking care of her, she drifted to sleep and I left.

Just like that huh? Always JUST like that.

Well the hyungs wanted to invite Emi in our dorm tonight since the hyungs decided to have a little celebration for our unexpected wins. I'm not sure if that's a good idea because of our manager but I think there's nothing to worry about since our manager won't be there, just BTS. It was not stated in our contract that we're not allowed to date but our manager tells us to avoid it while we can especially now that we're gaining more fans.

If I tell the whole world about Emi, am I going to lose my fans? Well maybe 20% No, 30% Yes, 50% they'll hate on Emi. I don't want that to happen. She went here to study, she's studying hard to not lose her scholarship,  I don't want to ruin her life.

So the final decision is, I'm going to take Emi here. We kept on spending time together at her apartment, well except that night when we first fought. But I really wanted to take her somewhere. Since I can't invite her somewhere in public, better bring her here. I guess this is a chance to show my hyungs why she's so special to me.

I texted her in Kakao to tell her to get dressed and we'll pick her up. Jimin hyung is coming with me. I don't wanna instruct her with what she should wear. She's a simple girl and just the way I like it. She wears dresses that makes her look really innocent. Just like an angel. But most of the time she wears skinny jeans and just shirt.

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We're at the dorm now. Well earlier when we arrived at the apartment I noticed Jimin hyung staring at Emi. I'm not jealous, I know he was just stunned. Emi was just wearing a simple light pink dress and a doll shoes with her hair just hanging down. That's it. But she looked great in it. She's not the girl who's beautiful as SNSDs or Apink, Red Velvet or any popular girls. But damn she's the only girl I see.

I hope we spend a great night here in our little party .

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