Chapter 67

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A/N hey guys. Please keep on voting. Kamsa!!!


-Emi's POV-

Since that day when I went to Gwanghamun until now, Kate stayed with me here in my apartment, she still goes to her school and I don't. I just asked Hyunsik to excuse me from being sick. I'm not sick, but mentally and emotionally I guess i am. It's useless going to school when I know I can't.

Yeah I'm depressed. I don't even eat. Kate scolds me a lot but I seem to ignore her. She tries to cheer me up but still I feel like shit.

These days I was just lying in my bed, doing nothing, sometimes I would stare at the window and think about us.

Everytime I hear a knock on my door, I would quickly get up and open it. Still being hopeful, waiting, wishing that he'll come back.

I'm so stupid, everytime there's a knock on my door I'm still expecting it to be him!

It's been days since I visited my SNS too. But now I feel like doing it.

/scrolls on twitter/

I saw their schedule. They will be having a fansigning event at Busan tomorrow

I scrolled down again..

BTS photos of their daily activity..

And their photos again. When I saw his photo, I cried again. I always do, like all the time. I knew my heart isn't tired of crying itself out, but my eyes were.

Am I going there?? Should I?

Well I guess I should!

For once, I need answers. 

*knock knock*

I quickly got up from the bed but later realized that it can't be Jungkook, so I walked lazily to the door and opened it. I know it's Kate

"Wow, you didn't rush to open the door huh, that's a first" kate said and I just ignored her. Yeah she's right. She knows I was expecting Jungkook to come

"You didn't eat again!" Okay now I'm being scolded again

"I wasn't hungry" I just answered her

"Emi, help yourself, look at you!"

I know, I look really skinny, shabby, ugly, these puffy eyes are obvious.

Maybe I should let Kate know about my plan on going to Busan ..

"I'm going to Busan tomorrow"

"Don't tell me you're going to that fansigning event"

"I am Kate, everything can't simply just end like this"


"Kate please" I begged him and cried myself out again

On the floor.

I'm indeed depressed, desperate...

"I'll go with you" she said and we both cried.. I know she's crying because of pity.. she pitied for me for being so wasted and hopeless...

Am I being so dumb for still believing that he loves me??

Or maybe because he didn't give me enough reason why?

Why did you leave me that easily Jungkook?


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