Chapter 8

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-Emi's POV-

it's been 2 days since that day. that day when BTS performed and i was late. I still feel bad about it. Arrrgghhh! gonna go outside to get some fresh air. I need to take a walk around the city. Haven't done that yet.

So i grabbed my pink pullover, black beanie, black jeggings and black vans. Grabbed my earphones and phone so i can listen to music. And i headed outside.

Wow the city is cool. I should have worn a jacket, didn't think it would be this cold. Wheeeew.

A lot of teenagers are still hanging out. They're still in their uniforms and you would know that they are junior high schoolers. When i was their age, mom and dad won't allow me to arrive home late. They would probably kill me.

-Jungkook's POV-

I can't enjoy the view to be honest, hiding my face in the hood of my jacket is kinda hard. People around the city probably thinks i'm a criminal or something.

"Jungkookiee oppa!! waaaahhhh!! jungkookie oppa!!!"


"he ran! let's chase him! kaja!" the girl said and now a group of girls are chasing me!! i should find a way to escape from them!! How??!!

maybe i should just stand beside that girl! okay that's it!!

"we lost him!! arrghhh wae??!!!" i heard the girls. i'm nervous right now. if they catch me right now i'm dead. and pretty sure this girl beside me would be bashed as well thinking that we're a couple or something because i am standing so close to her that would make others think we're a couple. Maybe i should talk to her . should i? what if she recognizes me and screams that i'm here. Arrgghhh!! i shouldn't have left the dorm!

"hi" i spoke to the girl. i didn't plan to but i dunno what has gotten into me. i can't see her face clearly because she's wearing a beanie. And i don't think he heard me because she has her earphones on. Okay so i think i'm just gonna stand in here until the girls leave.

"boooommm!! booomm!!' wow!! fireworks! and guess what i'm lucky coz i'm standing in the perfect spot!! i can clearly see the fireworks!

"wooww!" the girl beside me screamed. does she even know i'm here? that there's a guy standing beside her? wow she's totally..



If i was a criminal she must be dead by now! Wheeeew!

by the looks of her face i can see she's happy watching the fireworks. Yeah i can now see the half of her face. wait! i should be watching the fireworks!

Woww!! the fireworks is really cooooooll!!!!!

but there's a problem . how am i supposed to go home??? the place became crowded because of the fireworks just now. It ended a few seconds ago and the people are still not leaving. what am i gonna do.

wait the girl is leaving. if i leave alone i would get caught. maybe i should just follow her. yeah right jungkook. follow her.

-Emi's POV-

i think someone's following me. i can see it through my shadow.. yes there's a shadow because there are streetlights. Is he a killer, a hold upper, kidnapper, rapist or something??!! oh my gosh my goosebumps.... ok Emi stay calm. just walk. just walk. The place is crowded so nothing's gonna happen. just walk calmly.

Ok so i'm in the dark area right now on the way to my apartment. And he's still following me!! damn what to do??




okay! here goes!!

"yah!" i shouted to the guy at my back as i faced back to see him.

"mianhae!" he answered back and i can't believe who i saw!!! JEON JUNGKOOK??!!??!!!

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