Chapter 5

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-Emi's POV-

Okay, this is it, the day we're going to Korea. Me and Kate are on the airport already with our families. Our other friends left already coz their flight was earlier than us. We are both excited and nervous. Excited bcoz we're finally gonna face a new journey of our lives in a different country. Nervous bcoz we don't know if we are able to face life on our own. We don't know anyone in Korea. Well except for the Kpop idols ofcourse. I just hope we could survive this.



Oh my God!!!! We're finally in Korea! Oh my god!! i can't breathe! I'm gonna die any minute now!!!

Okay okay. So we are walking around the Gimpo airport right now. We're supposed to call a taxi so we could go to our apartments and take a rest but we can't do that right now. We're looking around the airport coz everything is just so fascinating. And to be honest we're hoping to see some Kpop idols here. Kekekeke ^_^

As soon as Kate and I were able to call our parents to let them know we arrived safely in Korea, we decided to leave the airport.

"Bye Kate! I'm gonna miss you! Be careful okay? Sent me a message in Kakao Talk if u have arrived safely in your apartment okay?" i said as i hugged Kate. I'm gonna miss her so much! We both decided to use internet sims for the both of us to communicate with each other and with our parents. And we've also heard that most of the people here use Kakao Talk or Line. Well i'm gonna download Line if i have made friends already in the university.

"Bye too Emi! I'm gonna miss you! Yes i'll call you when i get home, be safe too okay?" Kate bid her goodbye to me as well. After that we rode on our taxis and headed to the apartment. Good thing we know Korean basics. So staying in here is not that bad i guess. And we're gonna learn some more.

While i was in the taxi, all i did was look around the city of Seoul. Wow! City lights! Just exactly what i've seen in the movies, drama, and in some music videos! Wow! I'm gonna take a walk around in this city with Kate if we both have time. This is really amazing!


When i arrived at my apartment, i've noticed Kate had left me a message saying she has arrived safely. Thank God. We're both safe. So even if i'm tired and hungry, i had to set everything up inside my little house to make it look like home. The bed frame was empty but there was a matress so i decided to set my bed. Mom had made me brought these bed covers so i'm gonna use this. Good thing there are pillows already.

After setting up my bed, i decorated my little home with BTS posters, my pictures ofcourse, and a little lamp on the bedside table. So it looks like my room now.

I'm lucky with the scholarship i've got, they are gonna pay for my rental here in my apartment and gonna give me my monthly budget for allowance and food. Well speaking of food i'm hungry now.

Well i guess i'm just gonna make myself noodles. Mom made me bring food products from our country. Haha!

So while eating i talked to my parents and Kate thru Kakao Talk.

It's getting late. I have to go to bed now. I have to be early at the university tomorrow for our orientation. Well the school is just a short walk. So no worries.

While lying in my new bed, i thought about Jungkook. What is he doing right now? Is he sleeping? Talking to his hyungs? Jungkook just hang on in there. I'm coming okay? Wait for me.


Hi! I've decided not to specify the country which Emi and Kate came from so that all of you guys from different countries can relate to it. Enjoy! 

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