Chapter 66

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A/N hey guys. I will try to update more chapters today. Because i am starting to get busy nowadays. Enrollment's nextweek and classes will start the week after enrollment, and i finished some of my requirements this week. college life is tough. But i love you guys so i'll finish this story no matter what. Keep on voting. Kamsa! :-)

P.s yeah that's red velvet. I'm addicted to red velvet. Haha! But i have a lot of fandoms. Haha!


-Emi's POV-

I'm on the bus stop now 'cause I'm going to Gwanghamun. I just cleaned myslef, changed my  clothes and left. I'm not even starving.

I know Jungkook was just upset because of something. He loves me. I know he didn't mean what he said.

I gotta call Kate to let her know.

"Emi are you sure about that??!! I know you wouldn't be obvious when you talk to him because it's a fansigning event but maybe when the both of you reacts too much, other people might notice."

"This is the only way. He left me! "

"Emi what actually happened?! I don't know the whole story. You just said he dumped you last night, please tell me the whole story???"

"The bus is here, talk to you later"


Call ended...

I'm sure about going to that fansigning event.


There are a lot of fans in here. It's really crowded. There's BTS, entertaining fans. I gotta follow this line here the way to Jungkook first. He's smiling huh? No signs of heartache. Did you really love me???

I don't care whatever might happen now. I just want to know your reason why you broke up with me.

Most fans brought gifts for them. I don't have any since I came here to see him.

Maybe I'll just let him sign this photo I have in my wallet here..

Our photo. When we took a selca at my apartment . We were bored that time. I even printed this picture out myself. Good thing I bought that printer. That was intended for my assignments and projects. Aside from that I can't let shops print this photo since he's an idol. Our relationship will be revealed if I did that.

I'll let him sign this, then maybe he might realize that he loves me.

And this bracelet , It's just a simple bracelet, It's black, and can be worn by either a girl or a boy  since it's very simple. I'll give it to him as well.

Now it's my turn to be in front of Jungkook after this girl here in my front. To be honest I felt a little jealous seeing him talking to this girl in a very sweet way but I know that's a part of his job.

Now it's my turn. I feel really nervous. I can't imagine seeing the boy I love so much turning me down.


"Emi... what are you doing here?" He's trying to fake a smile so that people won't notice that there is something.

"Jungkook, why?"

"Oh yeah you're here because this is a Fansigning event and you're a FAN, how stupid I am to ask that" ouch. He emphasized the word FAN.

"Yeah, I'm a fan, who loved you deeply! You are the world to me but you see me just a fan? After everything we had, I'm just a Fan?"

"Yes, if you don't mind is there anything you want me to sign for you?"

Jungkook you could have just killed me!!

A tear rolled down my eyes but I easily wiped it with my hand, I handed him the photo, our photo

"Please sign that for me"

He looked shocked. I know there was something he felt when he saw the photo but tried to hide it

"Okay then" he signed it pretending not to have any reactions

"Here" he gave the picture back to me

Now I'm crying. I tried to stop what I feel but my tears just kept on rolling down my cheeks. I can't bare the pain anymore. He's blurry in my vision now because of the tears in my eyes. I gave him the bracelet and I walked out crying. Other girls were staring at me but I'm sure they didn't bother asking. I can have the excuse of being just so happy seeing my idols in person that's why I cried.

I walked and walked again. Just like what I did last night. But this time my mind wasn't blank, I felt the pain. Great pain.

How can he just say that after everything we had?? Was it that easy for him ???

"Emi!! I was so worried about you!!"

Kate arrived. So yeah I guess she followed me here

"I knew something would happen, I was worried that's why I followed you here in Gwanghamun"

I can't even say anything back to her. I just stared at her with tears rolling down from my eyes.

"Oh emi" she hugged me. I cried even more.

"Come on emi let's go home"


Kate and I were here in my apartment. I wasn't able to talk since earlier when we were at Gwanghamun.

I was still crying and crying and Kate just hugged me and let me cry myself out..

"Emi you skipped school today, well I did too, but that's okay, I won't even be able to concentrate in class because of worrying about you" kate said. I really appreciate Kate. She's such a good friend.

"How can he do that to me???"

Kate didn't answer . I know she doesn't know what to say either.

I just kept crying and crying.

Until I fell asleep.

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