Chapter 48

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A/N hey guys! Please vote and share this story to your friends. Kamsa!
*Taehyung was ruining my bias list since last night* waaahhhhhh!!! ♥♡♥♡♥

-Jungkook's POV-

I was really sweating earlier when I was staring at her while doing her chores.

And I was sweating even more when he asked me to get those clothe for her. I don't even know why I was sweating. And I hate it. I don't want any dirty thoughts to enter my mind since I respect her a lot. And no matter what I'll control myself to any possibilities that might happen between us tonight.

After a few minutes she came out of the bathroom. She was the white shirt i gave her. The shirt looked big in her but it's showing her legs. I don't know, it's just...

She looked....

Sexy in it.

I was trying to avoid looking at her. Really. I wanted to act normal.

But when she sat on the bed, I couldn't help but..

Kiss her.

I kissed her...hard.

That we were even lying on the bed me on top of her. We just kissed nonstop.

My heart was beating so fast and I know she felt the same.

I have to control myself and I know this can't happen now. I respect her. Because she's not just a normal fangirl to me. I love her.

I broke the kiss and looked at her. And she smiled.

"I knew you would stop" she said

"I'm sorry about earlier. I was out of control and"

"Ssshhh" she hushed me while putting the tip of her finger to my lips

"I know you respect me. And I knew you would stop" she smiled and pecked my lips and stood up.

I sat on the bed as she was too.

"I don't wanna leave" I said to her

"You have to. You can't stay here"

"Ofcourse I can"

"Koookiiieee" she whined and grabbed her waist so she's closer to me

"I wanna take you out on a date"

"Are you kidding?! You can't do that. Fans might see us. Besides I'm fine with this. Okay? "

"But a special date will make you happy"

"I am happy Jungkook. I'm not asking for anything else. I'm contented by just being with you inside my apartment. As long as I have you"

Those words from her made me happy but torn into pieces at the same time.

I wanted to be the best that I can, I know I can do better than being with her inside this room. I wanna take her out in the public, I wanna take her to restaurants, I wanna take her to carnivals, I wanna take her to the beach, I wanna take her anywhere!! But I just can't!!

"I love you Emi" that's all I managed to say.

She just smiled at me and cupped my cheeks

"I love you too. And please stop worrying. I can take all of this. I know this relationship with you is a big sacrifice but I don't care, I love you. Even if I'm just a secret that could ruin your career, that's fine with me. Okay?"

Now I'm hurting even more. Especially when uttered the words "I'm a secret that could ruin your career". Ugh!! She's really strong for the both of us..


I am weak. But I have to be strong as she is. I have to make her feel loved in ways I could. She sacrificed a lot for me. Even her safety. I guess I should do my part. I can't imagine my life losing you.

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