Chapter 61

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A/N hey guys. That's me. Hahahaha. Just ignore that face. Hahaha. Please keep on voting. Kamsa!

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-Emi's POV-

All of us are in the living room now. We decided to watch a comedy movie and after this will be a horror movie.

This is just a simple party, yet relaxing. I like it. Jungkook and I had been holding hands and we're acting sweet. They turned off the lights to make the room look like a theater. This is so cool. We're enjoying ourselves.

Kate is kinda enjoying herself now too but V and her barely talk. What's wrong with them?

Ugghh I'll just ask Kate later or maybe tomorrow.

Right now, Jungkook and I will be having fun.

-Kate's POV-

I can't concentrate on the movie to be honest. Yeah I was laughing and giggling not because of the movie, but it's because Taehyung is sitting beside me. I was just pretending to laugh because of the movie but the real thing is I was laughing because of my feels. Kim Taehyung is really hot especially when he looks so serious.. omg my feels!!!

But wait ..

He stood up and went outside, there's a balcony there where you can see the city lights of Seoul.


My phone rang that says I have a message.

"Come with me"- V

I looked at Emi and noticed her looking at me and she gave me a "GO" signal to go after Taehyung. So I stood up and followed him. I noticed the other members looking at me because I stood up and left with Taehyung but I didn't mind them.

"Hey" I spoke to Taehyung as he was still looking at the view.

"I like you Kate. " he said still not looking at me.

I felt so happy when he said that but at the same time worried. I love you Kim Taehyung. But the both of us will suffer. I'm scared.

I didn't answer him. I was thinking a lot. He suddenly came closer towards me. I can't breathe now. It's my very first time to be this close to him.

"You fainted the first time you saw me" he spoke again and I can feel his breath on my face. Yeah our faces are really close now. I tried to control my feels and I'm nervous about what he's going to do next.

"Remember the guy who asked you for directions at the bus stop that night? That was me."

What???!!!! I met him already??!?! I didn't know that!!!!

"Remember the guy who bumped into you and helped you with your groceries at the city that night? That was also me"

So I met him twice already??!?!?! I was so speechless. I didn't know what to say.

"Surprised huh?" He spoke again and I just nodded

"Kate, I know you're scared, but atleast let me know if you like me or not. "

"I like you V!" I said but covering my mouth in shock with what I just did.

"Then why won't you date me?" He asked. Maybe I should be honest with him now.

"Remember that night when Emi was in the hospital?" I started and he just nodded

"Emi instructed me not to let Jungkook know because she knows Jungkook will get all worried, and Emi thinks a lot about his career. You know what? That night, I saw Emi in pain, not only because of her Asthma but also because the only person she needs and she wants to see and to be with her the most wasn't there. Seeing her like that made me feel more scared. She's a secret being kept in public. Some fans would hate on her if they find out, and I'm not as strong as Emi to endure that kind of pain. But V I like you! I'm even crazy about you! I'm your ultimate fangirl!! I can't sleep at night because you're all I think about! I've always wanted you to visit me but I was scared of what might happen if we get caught!" I explained and didn't notice that a tear rolled down my cheek. He wiped that tear with his thumb and kissed me.

It was a long kiss and I felt so loved. I didn't want it to stop. I like Taehyung. A lot.

He stopped at looked at me then he cupped my cheeks

"I understand you. I hope you'd give me the chance. Emi might be hurting because of their situation but Jungkook loves her so much. He's doing his best, and I would do the same if only you'd let me Kate. " I was speechless. I wanted to give in. My heart and body says yes but my mind says no.

"Okay I won't force you Kate, letting you know how much I like you is enough" I felt the sadness in his voice when he said that.

He held my hand and together we went back to the living room.

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