Chapter 71

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A/N keep on voting guys. Kamsa!!
P.S "YC" means Your Country . Use your own country to imagine since I've decided not specify what country they were from. Peace yow! Hahaha! Loveyou!

-Emi's POV-

Just arrived at the airport. I'm back in my country now.

Mom, dad, and my brothers were waiting for me here at the airport.

"Emi!!!" Wow my older brother hugged me first.

"Hey kiddo what happened to you, you look so skinny!! Do you eat there?" My dad exclaimed

"Yeah I do dad. Don't worry"

"Emi, since you're studying here again, I'll make you fat" mom said and we all laughed.

Wow I missed YC. Nothing much changed but I liked it . Somehow, I forgot about Jungkook for just 5 minutes. Well if I stay here longer, I'd be able to forget about him totally. I have to do this.

"Emi where do you wanna eat?" Dad asked.

"Remember my favorite resto where Kate and I used to visit?" I asked dad

"Ofcourse, then let's have dinner there" dad said and my brothers cheered.

"It's been a long time since we had a family dinner that we're complete" my younger brother told me.

"Awww, from now on, family dinner will always be complete" I assured them and we all laughed inside the car.

Our family's always this happy . Thanks to them I was able to forget the pain for a while.

We had dinner at my favorite resto. I missed this resto so much.

"So how's Korea?" Dad asked

"Cool , totally different "

"How about the bet we had?" Thanks to my older brother for reminding me about that bet we made before I left for Korea.

"I'll pay you 1million" and we all laughed again. Well they all understood that I lost the bet.

Yeah I was about to win the bet but Jungkook dumped me. Well if I tell them about that.

I actually won the bet right? Since I dated Jungkook, but I don't wanna let them know.

"I thought you were gonna spy about Jungkook all the time" arrghh!! My family's reminding me of him again. Gosh can't they just stop??

"No mom. I went there to study"

Mom looked at me. I don't know why but I guess what others say about mothers who knows how their child truly feels is kinda true.

I just brushed it off and we ate our dinner and after 3 hours of having time in the resto, we went home.


Whooaaa!! I missed my room. I don't want to wait until tomorrow to decorate my room. I wanna do it now.

*knock knock*

"Hey mom" I said and she entered my room.

"You know, I cried for a week since you left home" mom said

"What? Oh my gosh mom, why??"

"I missed my only daughter, and I know you've been lying to us"

"W-what do you mean mom??" Gosh I'm nervous. I can lie to anyone except for mom

"What happened in Korea?"

She's my mom afterall, she deserves to know the truth.

So I decided to tell mom everything..

From start to finish... everything. No lies..

"Do you believe in destiny sweetie?" Mom asked me. Why is she asking me that?

"I don't know mom. Why?"

"Did you plan on looking for Jungkook that night when you took a walk at the city?"

"No mom. I just wanted to take a walk that night. Besides, no idol would dare to take a walk in the middle of a city right?"

"Exactly. But that night he did. "

"What are you trying to say mom?"

"You just wanted to take a walk that night, and Jungkook too, Seoul is a big city , of all people in Seoul, he bumped into you"

Wow. Mom is really...

But no!

"No mom. He dumped me. "

"There must be a reason"

"I don't know. I just don't wanna talk about him. See? No more posters in my room. I wanna start a new life. Studying in Korea was a big mistake. I should have stayed here instead"

"Sweetie, never regret anything in your life, everything happens for a reason"

Mom said and hugged me.

"Goodnight sweetie, after you decorate your room, take a rest, you're tired"

And mom left my room.

Now my mind's messed up even more.

But still. Nothing's gonna change. I'm gonna move on.

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