Chapter 22

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A/N hey guys!! Hope you're liking my story!! Please vote. Kamsa!
Oh and the photo above i uploaded that on my instagram. That's from the music video. JUNGKOOK REALLY DID WRECK MY FEELSS!!! MY MIND HAS BEEN GOING PERVY BCOZ OF THAT PART OF THE VIDEO I SCREENED SHOT. *SIGHS*

I dedicate this story to TiffanyKatePark  ♡♡♡
She reads my story a lot!

-Jungkook's POV-

Me and V hyung right now are walking on our way back to the dorm. He's been really cool about everything. Is he really serious about Emi? What about Jimin hyung?

"Hyung? Are you really serious about Emi?" I asked V hyung.

Why is he laughing?

"Yeah I am. Jimin too" What???!!!!

"You said it was a simple crush?" I can't believe this.

"On the second thought, It's not a simple crush. He's upto something though."

"What??!!!!" Damn they're both pissing me!!

"Why do you care anyway?? You said you don't like her. Are you jealous? You like her?"

"NO!! I DON'T!!! YOU TWO GO ON WITH YOUR PLANS!! I DON'T EVEN CARE!!!" Why is he like this?!! I don't like Emi!!!!!

"You sure?" He shot back

"YES!! SURE!!" and I walked really fast leaving him behind.

He's running after me.

"Hey kookie!!"
"Now what?!"
"I have a big plan for Emi though"
"What do you think she'd like? Pink themed room? Blue themed room? Lights on or lights off?"


"WHAT THE HELL HYUNG!!!!!!!!!?????!!!!!" I shouted at him as I was about to punch him in the face.

"Hahahahaha!! Maknae I was kidding. Thought you didn't care?"
Is he really trying to piss me off?

"You better stop this hyung!! " I said while leaving him.

Why did he have to do this?!!!!!

-V's POV-

Hahahaha! He's totally pissed!! It's pretty obvious. I think he's confused.  

By the way Jimin's gonna kill me. He doesn't even plan on doing something. Me neither. I was just kidding. Hahahahaha!!


"Where have you been??"

Rapmon hyung asked Kookie but he ignored me. He's really pissed about what I said to him earlier.

"And you too where have you been?" Now rapmon hyung is asking me.

"You know where. Don't ask" I simply answered.

And walked out.

About that girl I met in the bus stop before. Was she able to go home? It's really late.

Well she's not a kid anymore. She knows what to do.
But what if, she encounters some bad guys?

No no. Not gonna happen.
I better rest now. It's been a long day.

Jungkook likes Emi for sure.
He'll realize that soon.

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