Chapter 60

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A/N hey guys. Keep on voting!

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-V's POV-

Jimin and I are inside his car outside Kate's apartment waiting for her. I taught Jimin the address since I know where Kate lives but I've never been here. I texted her in Kakao already about our little party and we'll be picking her up. Good thing she agreed this time. To be honest I was asking her if we could meet, just like what Jungkook does, I am willing to sneak out just to see her, but Kate doesn't want that. She's really scared.

We're not in a relationship, I treat her in a special way but she doesn't treat me the same. I know she likes me. She even fainted the first time she saw me. And Jungkook once told me that she's my ultimate fan girl but she doesn't act like one.

Maybe I should just try harder. All I need to do is to make all her worries go away.

I can see her coming out from her apartment, I already told her just to knock on the car window since we can't go out, there are no other cars here so she must know that this is our car.

She knocked in the car window and I opened the door for her and she came in. I took the backseat so I can sit with Kate.

Jimin quickly drove back on our way to the dorm as soon as Kate has gotten in the car.

"Hey, so you are Kate" Jimin greeted her

"Yeah, that's me" she answered while smiling.

"I hope you enjoy the party tonight, don't be out of placed, Emi's there" Jimin assured her.

And after that we were all silent. Jimin was busy driving and I wasn't hesitant to talk to her in a comfortable way. We talk a lot in Kakao but I'm a bit shy in person and I know she is too. I'm not a shy type of person, in fact I am crazy. But this time, I am speechless. Indeed, I like her. Because I am not myself right now.

But seriously Kim Taehyung talk to her!!

"H-hey Kate, y-you look g-gorgeous" I said to her and quickly looked down. Damn! Why am I stuttering??!!! This is embarrassing!!!

"Th-thanks! You too V" she answered. Why is she stuttering too? Arghhhh!! I don't have the courage to talk to her anymore!!

"Hey I thought the both of you are already friends, but why are you both stuttering while talking to each other?" Jimin asked the both of us.

Thanks Jimin!! I got more embarrassed now because of you!!

"So you were listening to our conversation?" I shot back

"Was that even a conversation?" He snapped. I can see him smirking from the rearview mirror of the car. I can't talk back now. I lost. I just rolled my eyes and ignored him.

-Kate's POV-

I got inside of the car and just sat there still. I was nervous. Imagine your ultimate crush KIM TAEHYUNG SITTING BESIDE YOU!! Who wouldn't go crazy right?? But I tried to control my feels and acted all normal.

"Hey, so you are Kate" Jimin greeted me. Wow Jimin is really cute in person. But still Taehyung owns my heart. But really Jimin is cute.

"Yeah, that's me" I just answered while smiling. To be honest I am really shy.

"I hope you enjoy the party tonight, don't be out of placed, Emi's there" Jimin assured me. Okay. Thank God Emi's there.

And after that we were all silent. Jimin was busy driving. Wow this is really awkward!!!!

"H-hey Kate, y-you look g-gorgeous" Oh my Gosh Kim Taehyung just talked to and even told me I looked gorgeous!!!!! Okay okay Kate control your feels. Hooo! Inhale exhale.

"Th-thanks! You too V" I simply answered!! Uurrgghh!! I am obvious now!! I stuttered. I just hope I was a strong girl like Emi who's not afraid to date an idol because of love. I like you V!! I really do!!

"Hey I thought the both of you are already friends, but why are you both stuttering while talking to each other?" Jimin asked the both of us. Great!!! Remain silent Kate.

"So you were listening to our conversation?" V answered him

"Was that even a conversation?" Jimin shot back. Yeah he's right. Was that even a conversation??

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We're here at their dorm now. They welcomed me in and I entered the room.

Wow!! Just wow!!! I'm here inside BANGTAN SONYEONDAN'S DORM!!! WOW!!

I saw Emi and she quickly came closer to me and we hugged each other. Okay I feel kinda comfortable now. This will be a great party.

"Since we are all complete now, LET THE PARTY BEGIN!!!!"


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