Chapter 15

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-Jungkook's POV-

"Guys, change of plans. V and I will be having a recording for Hello Counselor today, so you better rehearse but you can take a rest after." Rapmon hyung announce. So I guess me and the rest of the hyungs will be going to BigHit today.

I wonder how's Emi doing right now. It's a Saturday today. I hope she really did went to the grocery today as what she promised me last night.

My mind is really messed up right now. What is this feeling?? What kind of feelings do I have for Ms. Faint?? Is this worry? Care? Pity? Or.... love? NO!!! I can't love. I love my career. My career is my BAE! wheeeew. I should focus on my career. I'm just being friendly right? Am I?

-Emi's POV-

Wow. It's been years since I last checked my wallet. Okay I'm exaggerating. Haha. but wow I have a lot of money. This is the evidence that I don't get to spend even a single penny because I wasn't able to eat. My food allowance from last month is still the same amount plus the food allowance for this month, and the cash from my parents last month and for this month. I am damn rich!

Okay I have to go to the grocery today. I promised Mr. Defensive that I would stock some snacks. Now I'm calling him Mr. Defensive and we're fair. He says Ms. Faint is the best nickname for me and so is Mr. Defensive for him. He's really defensive. That's what I've noticed.

I wonder how's Jungkook doing right now. Does he think of me? I mean do I ever cross his mind for just a second? I didn't expect that I'd meet him. Imagine when I was in highschool I was soooooo crazy about him since BTS debuted!! And now, he's been in my apartment 3 times and even BTS, I cooked breakfast for him, he took good care of me last night and cooked ramen for me, and kinda scolded me lastnight for not taking care of myself.

Jungkook before I loved you ,

Now I have loved you even more.

Gosh this Mr. Defensive of mine, you make me crazy, you're always on my mind, you drive me insane.

Jungkook just one chance....

Just one chance.........

I'd be the best girl for you.

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