Chapter 37

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A/N hey guys pls vote kamsa! And by the way when was that photo of Kookie taken? Is that a latest photo of him or not? It's my first time seeing that photo and his face looks different there. Haha! Soo handsome ♥♡♥♡♥


-Jungkook's POV-

Emi woke up already and just made her way to the bathroom.

This girl is really weird.

*knock knock*

Someone's knocking at the door. What should I do? Maybe she has a visitor. Damn! Should I hide?

"Who's on the door?" Emi asked. She just came out from the bathroom and went to the door to peep who's knocking

"I don't know" you should open it and I'll hide" I told her

"No need. It's my trusted bestfriend Kate" she said while opening the door and right now I am so nervous.

"Whoaaa!!! So it's true!!!" That Kate girl said something to Emi that I don't understand but I'm sure she's talking about me and she looks surprised.

"Yes it's true Kate. What brought you here?" Emi answered in their language again. Maybe OI should go hide and talk to myself.

"Got no class tomorrow. I'll be spending the night here!"

Okay I'm so out of place

I guess I should just talk to myself

Hi Jungkook! How are you?
I'm fine Jungkook. How about you?
I'm fine too Jungkook!

"Let's talk in Korean Kate" Emi finally spoke in korean. Okay so I'm in again. Haha!

"Oh my gosh!! I really can't believe this! Oh my gosh I think I'm gonna faint!"

So the both of them keeps on fainting huh? They're actually bestfriends.

"Please don't faint" I said to Kate

"I know I won't faint but if I see Taehyung I would probably faint!" Oh so she likes V hyung.

I just smiled at her

"Can I ask for your autograph? Oh my gosh!! Where's Taehyung?! How did you make it here? Weren't you afraid that fans might see you? Oh my gosh! How many times have you been here! Do you like Emi?!"

Thousands of questions at the same time.

"Kate will you please calm down? What more if you see Taehyung, you'll probably gonna faint and act crazier than you are now." Emi told her.

"V hyung is at the dorm I guess? I don't know. And yes you can have my autograph, I walked on my way here and I covered my face and yes I was afraid, and I've been here a couple of times, and....." I stopped because I realized that I have to answer the question if I liked Emi. They were both looking at me and....

*my phone rings*

V hyung is calling me. Now I'm dead. Maybe he's asking me to go back.

"Hyung!" I answered

"Jungkook help! I need somewhere to hide! I'm at the city! A fangirl noticed me again! It's worse than the last time!" Damn! He's not being careful.

"Hyung, just go back to the dorm"

"I can't! I have to go to another direction to outrun those fangirls! Good thing they weren't able to take my pictures but I'm sure they would post in on SNS" damn!!

"Where are you right now hyung?"

"Heading towards Seoul's Star. It's my only choice!" What?!! He's gonna tease me if he finds out I'm here and....

This Kate girl would go crazy.

"Hyung listen!"

He hung up. Damn! There's nothing I could do. He's gonna tease me.

Kate and Emi looked at me kinda worrying.

As I was about to explain everything to them

*door knocks*

Great! I'm doomed. I have to get the door!

Emi looked at me confused because I opened the door first as she was about to do it.

"Hyung go back to the dorm!"

" I told you I can't! Those girls are on that direction! I'll be safer here!

"No! Go back!

"What are you even doing here Kookie? Now admitting that you like Emi?!"

"Hyung! Lower your....

"V?!!" Emi and Kate both shouted in shock and.......

Kate fainted....

Hyung and I stopped arguing and both looked at Kate and looked at each other.

"Ms. Faint the second huh?" He told me.

"Yeah hyung. Ms. Faint the second"

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