Chapter 12

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A/N annyeong! i would like to inform you that there will be a fast forward in my story. Well it's not gonna be that long tho. Is that okay? Can u forgive me? Oh and btw, BTS comeback is fast approaching. I'm soo excited. Let's support our boys guys!

-Emi's POV-

It's been one month since that day when BTS came here in my apartment. Classes have started and I have been fluent in Korean already. I can carry on conversations and I can read hangul. I guess I'm such a fast learner. To be honest I worked hard to master their language and alphabet, because I have to. How am I going to survive here in Korea if I don't adapt and adjust right? And besides i'm looking forward on seeing Jungkook again. I feel sad, I guess everything just ended there.

It's been 1 week since the last time Kate and I talked in Kakao and It's been a long time since I last saw her. She's been very busy and I am too. My parents? We talk a lot but they still don't know about me meeting BTS, I guess they're not interested anyway.

I've also noticed that i've gotten skinnier. Yeah to be honest I couldn't eat properly here. Not like when I was in my country, my mom took good care of me, but in here I had to take care of myself. In the morning I am not able to eat my breakfast every morning because I had to rush on my way to school. Lunch? Well it depends if I don't have any school crap things to finish. Dinner? It also depends when I'm not tired 'cause I usually go straight to bed when I get back to my apartment from school.

There was one time when I fainted in school. Hyunsik went all crazy because he didn't know what to do. I was brought to the school clinic and the nurse said It was because of stress and because I don't eat properly. Good thing this friend of mine scolds me to eat and since that day I fainted, I had to drink milk to make sure I'm still healthy.

This is my life now and I have my new daily routine here. I know I can survive, because Jungkook inspires me.


-Jungkook's POV-

I've been so tired because of our schedule. We did a lot of preparations for our comeback. Rehearsals, pictorials, shooting, and practice. We don't even have time to rest. Well we actually did, but I didn't rest



i can't keep myself calm. I need to go for a walk.

now i'm in the middle of the city, I made sure no one would notice me. I wore a mask and a hoodie jacket to cover my face.

now i'm in the exact same spot where me and ms. faint watched the fireworks together. Speaking of ms. faint, I wonder how she's doing now. She's really a trustworthy kind of person. She kept her promise. She never told anyone about what happened. Should iIpay her a visit. Okay I guess I should.


Now I'm in here in the dark area in front of ms. faint's apartment. Is she there? Should i knock on her room? Good thing her room is just in the first floor Room #1, i was able to carry her to her room that night when she first fainted because i found the room keys in the pocket of what she's wearing. It was that hard tho.

Darn she's coming.....!!!! I have to hide!!

It's already nighttime when she gets home from school huh? Isn't that dangerous for a girl?

Wait... she became skinnier. And It's pretty obvious that she's stressed and really tired. She must have been studying really hard. Carrying all those books? Wow. Ms. faint are you sure you're doing fine alone??

Why am I so worried. I don't have to be worried but I am.

I have to go back to our dorm now. I only sneaked out.

And I finally left when she already went inside her room. "Goodnight Ms. faint"

*end of flashback*

Is she still doing the same routine? No wonder you always faint Emi because you don't take care of yourself. You easily get dizzy.

If I have sometime I have to go back and check on her.

Why is she so important to me now?

Ms. Faint you better not make me fall for you.

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