Chapter 57

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A/N hey guys BTS will be releasing their new Japanese Single. Hooraayy! And have you seen Taehyung's photo when BTS was in Incheon Airport? Gosh Taehyung wrecked my feelss!! Okay back to business. Please vote. Kamsa! ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

-Emi's POV-

I'm here at the hospital. Thanks to Kate for bringing me here.

I feel better now unlike earlier I even wished for myself to just die because I really can't breathe. I suffered.

The doctor said I can go home tomorrow but there are medicines I have to buy for maintenance. The doctor even told me to buy a nebulizer just in case I find it hard to breathe again. Thanks to Kate because she took care of everything. She bought the medicines, inhaler, nebulizer, and the other things needed.

I was absent from school today but Hyunsik promised to lend me some notes when I get back.

I'm really thankful to all these people around me. I thought living here in Korea is about taking care of my own, yeah I took care of my own but in times that I needed help, they're here for me.

I miss someone right now. So bad. Jeon Jungkook.

I instructed Kate to not let Jungkook know and it's for the better. I know he'll just get all worried and come here and fans will be taking photos of him. Then rumors about him visiting a girl in the hospital will be an issue again. After that sasaengs will hunt for me or will make my life miserable and they'll send me HOME.

Yeah. Perks of being an Idol's girlfriend.

*katalk! Katalk!*

My phone rang. I should answer this quickly. Kate might wake up from the sound. She's sleeping in the big sofa here in my room. She decided to stay with me. She's such a true friend.

It's Jungkook. I'm getting nervous. I'm not sure if he knows anything or not. Kate told me V knew. Maybe V had told him.

"Hey" I answered the call sounding really happy. Just to lessen his worry if ever he knows

"How are you?" He asked me and I felt sadness in his voice.

"I'm fine, you? How about you?"

"I know what happened" he said in a very low voice and I think...... he's crying

"Hey babe are you crying?" I asked him

"No. I'm not. " he denied. I know he's denying it

"Babe.. I'm okay now. I'll go home tomorrow" I assured him.

"H-haruman n-neowa naega hamke hal su itdamyeon...." he sang but he's crying. It's obvious now that he's really crying..

"You know I love that song" and he cried even more while singing Just One Day 

"H-haruman n-neowa naega sunja bul su itdamyeon" yeah he's totally crying now.

I tried to cheer us up but I ended up crying too. We're both hurt with our situation. But I'm trying to be strong.

I didn't answer. But both of us are crying and the both of us can hear each other. This is real pain. Honestly I need him by my side right now but he can't be here.

Just one day if only I could be with you,

just one day if only I can hold your hand

"Emi I love you. You know that. Sorry I wasn't there when I know you needed me the most. Sorry babe. Sorry" he said while crying again.

"I know you did it for my sake, it's okay. I'm fine. Kate was here"

"Yeah and your boyfriend wasn't there for you"

"Kookie, it's okay, I told you I understand everything"

He didn't answer but he's still crying.

"Emi you should sleep. Take some rest. You were sick"

"You should too. You're tired"

"I love you"

"I loveyou too" and I hung up...

And cried even more. I miss him.

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