Chapter 59

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A/N hey guys! Anyone here interested to see the author's face? I might put it in the multimedia box on the next chapter. Well if u say yes, i'd do it. Haha! Anyways keep on voting!
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-Jungkook's POV-

We're inside the dorm now. Emi seems to enjoy hanging out with my hyungs now and I'm happy about that. She's comfortable with them and all of us are having a good time.

"I think we should invite Kate too!" V hyung suggested

"Who's Kate?" The hyungs asked eyeing on V hyung

I think V hyung forgot that the hyungs don't know who's Kate yet.

"She's Emi's bestfriends. Just like Emi she's a trustworthy person too" V hyung answered while Emi and I both nodded.

"Well I guess it's not bad to invite her here" -Suga

"Yeah. The more the merrier" - JHope

"We'll pick her up", Jimin hyung suggested while standing up grabbing her car keys.

"Can I come?!" -V

And we eyed him. Yeah it's obvious there's something going on between them. I know V hyung likes Kate but he never talks to me about how they're going.

"Okay come on" Jimin hyung answered and they both left.

We were just left here, they were a lot of food. We decided not to drink any alcohol well actually because I am a minor, and aside from that the hyungs are not in the mood to get drunk. We just wanna have fun.

Jin hyung cooked a lot, he even made Kimchi. Then bags of chips, sodas, and kimbap since I told them that Emi liked Kimbap.

We are going to watch a movie when the hyungs and Kate arrive here. For now, we're just waiting for them in the living room while watching random cartoon shows.

In the large sofa at the middle were Suga hyung, beside him is JHope hyung, next Rapmon hyung, and then Jin hyung in the solo sofa at the right side and on the left side sofa were Emi and I. There's a vacant sofa beside ours for V hyung and Kate and Jimin hyung will just sit on the large sofa in the middle together with the other hyungs.

"Having fun?" I asked Emi.

"Yeah. A lot. Thanks for bringing me here" she answered.

"I'm glad you like it here" I answered back while smiling at her. I am very happy now because it's our first time to do something else than being in her apartment. I wasn't bored, it's just, a relationship is more happy when you do a lot of things together.

She laid her head on my shoulder and my head on her head. Holding hands. Just like that and time stops for the both of us.

I noticed the hyungs smiling at me. Like they're being proud of me. Hahahaha! I know that's because it's very unusual for me to do things like these. I just smiled and winked at them. Hahahaha.

I know we'll be having a good time here. Just waiting for the other three to arrive.

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