Chapter 41

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-Jungkook's POV-

I kised her.

But she broke the kiss. And when she did I felt embarrassed.

I knew I kissed her because of the heat of the moment. Because I wanted to see her so bad and now she's in my arms that's why I couldn't help it earlier.

I cupped her face. I was so worried because I know she has been crying

"Why were you crying? Thanks for posting about it" I said

"I was so worried that you might not come back! I was so scared that you might leave me that easily because of the circumstances that you're going through right now. It doesn't matter if you can't love me back, I just don't wanna lose you" she said while crying.

"And when I received your message I felt so happy!! I felt important that's why I did what you instructed as soon as I can" she added

I wasn't able to say anything. But there's one thing I'm so sure of

I can't leave her.

I kissed her. She's not responding but I didn't care, i just kissed her so deep.

I know this is wrong. I could break many fangirls' hearts. But I'm sorry, everything now feels so right to me. I don't want this moment to end. Especially now I that i have finally admitted to myself that I have fallen for her.

I pulled her closer to me and even deepened the kiss. She's now responding and when she did my heart beat got even faster.

If something was going to happen tonight then let it be.

The kiss really took long. Kissing while your eyes closed makes you feel everything. There's spark.

We both fell onto her bed. And we stopped kissing. We looked at each other. It's like our eyes were having this conversation that we both agree that now isn't the right time. That we must take things slowly. I got up and we both sat in her bed.

I can't even look at her. I'm shy but I know I should face her. I kissed her and I shouldn't be shy about it. That kiss was real.

"Do you even love me?" she spoke.
I know I should admit it.

"I do" and looked at her eyes

"How about your career?"

"But I love you. There's nothing I could do"

"What are we?"

"Do you accept me for who I am ms. Faint?


"No matter how hard it would be?"


"No matter how many fangirls fight over me?"


"Do you trust me?"


"Will you understand my very busy schedule and I won't be having a lot of time for you?"


"Are you willing to wait for me to come and to wait for my messages?"


"Can you understand my situation?"


"Even if I can't take you to special places and dates?"


"Even if I can't walk with you in public?"


"Won't you get tired of that?"

"No. Jungkook no matter how hard it could it be, I'd take that. I love you, I'll risk everything for you. No matter how many fangirls would hate me and kill me, I don't care. As long as I have you"

She cupped and my cheeks and we kissed again.

-Emi's POV-


From the moment I accepted his love I know I'm risking my life, and my safety.

Dating a celebrity is a big sacrifice. I have to understand. I guess I just love him so much that I am willing to do anything and everything just for him.

I love Jungkook. That' what matters me.

And this is just a start of a big trial. I have him, and I know there are consequences.

I should be strong for him. It's okay if he doesn't do the same.

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